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Categorie archives: Brasil
- Sunday August 24, 2008
This Sunday is Samba Sunday !
From 1972, these are ‘Os Batuqueiros’, together with ‘As Mulatas’
they provide us with a splendid piece of early 70’s samba.
With songs of Paulinho da Viola and Martinho da Vila on RCA,
this can’t go wrong !tracks;
1 Partido alto
2 Ninguem tasca ( o gaviao )
3 regra tres
4 Minhas razoes
5 Dose pra Leao
6 Festa para um rei negro
7 Guardei minha viola
8 Alô fevereiro
9 Esperanças perdidas
10 Vai saudade
11 Nó na cana, Tia Maria
12 Balança povoPosted by Moosat 10:37 AMCategories
- Saturday August 23, 2008
It must have been 6 years ago, when I saw ‘Cidade de Deus’
in a local theatre. When ‘Preciso me encontrar’ by Cartola
came by, I was deeply impressed and had to find out what
it was immediately. Since the day I discovered Cartola,
I’ve been in love with his music. This album is só beautiful,
I don’t say this often, but it is almost perfect.
I am certainly not the first blogger to post it but it felt
almost like an obligation to rip it once more.tracks;
1 O mundo é um moínho
2 Minha
3 Sala de recepçao
4 Nao posso viver sem ela
5 Preciso me encontrar
6 Peito vazio
7 Aconteceu
8 As rosas nao falam
9 Sei chorar
10 Ensaboa
11 Senhora Tentaçao
12 Cordas de açoPosted by Moosat 8:59 PM - Friday August 22, 2008
From 1962 this is quite a rare album. Co-produced by Ed Lincoln,
I’m under the impression that he is also playing on some of the
tracks. This LP is a true collector since many dj’s used it for
their sampling activity’s. The warm sound of Pedrinho’s voice
captures you straight away, my favourite #; ‘Salgueiro chorao’.tracks;
1 Pourquoi ( Néga sem sandália )
2 Tem que balançar
3 Vivendo de ilusao
4 Baiana das 4 saias
5 Salgueiro chorao
6 Confissao
7 Falsa Baiana
8 Mulata assanhada
9 Eu nao tenho onde morar
10 Aconteceu
11 Conformaçao
12 Tristeza de nós doisPosted by Moosat 8:42 PM - Saturday August 9, 2008
From 1972 this is a fantastic piece of samba. I am not the first
one to post ‘Batuque na Cozinha’ but this one can’t be posted
enough. Martinho gathered only the very best musicians for
this session, if you see the line-up you shall agree.
Check back-cover for details.
If you like samba, this is a must-have.tracks;
1 Balança povo
2 Xô, chuva miúda
3 Na outra encarnaçao
4 Quem lhe disse que eu chorei ?
5 Marejou
6 Sambas de roda e Partido-Alto
7 Batuque na cozinha
8 Maria da hora
9 Onde o Brasil aprendeu a liberdade
10 Jubiabá
11 Saudade e samba
12 Calango longoPosted by Moosat 8:52 PM - Friday July 25, 2008
When I found this album, about a year ago, I was very pleasantly surprised.
Just before it I discovered Jorginho via the great Justin from
J Thyme, listed in the sidebar. Very nice Samba from Rio de Janeiro.
Although posted before on the web, an album worth downing like no other.tracks;
1 Agua no feijao
2 O Iperador
3 Assím é demais
4 Paz em todo territorio nacional
5 Eu canto Sao Paulo
6 É preciso dar
7 Potpourri de Partido alto
– Chorei quando o dia clareou
– Mulher de malandro
– Sai da casa da vizinha
– Quanto mais carinhosa mais falsa
8 Jogo da Amarelinha
9 Cavaco vadio
10 Amor selvagem
11 A lua e o mar
12 Perdi a namorada
13 Eu e meu pandeiroPosted by Moosat 7:52 AM - Thursday July 24, 2008
Roberto Ribeiro comes in with this fine Samba album, from 1979
this is ‘Coisas da Vida’, an LP with a lot of character.
Very original melody-lines, don’t miss it.tracks;
1 Vazio – Está faltando uma coisa em mim
2 Triste desventura
3 Amor aventureiro
4 Impetuosa
5 Partilha
6 Nao sei
7 Bate coraçao
8 Dengo só
9 Coraçao contrariad
10 Ingenuidade
11 Pá-nela
12 Coisas da vidaPosted by Moosat 9:45 PM - Saturday July 19, 2008
Good afternoon, It has been a crazy week, lots of work and little time
to rip LP’s. Now I finally find some time, the weather is so bad, I
can’t photograph any albums, I use to do it outside with daylight.
It’s a shame because I had some really nice African stuff waiting,
aswell as some Colombian material.
For now I’ve got to post something else, when I was in Rio,
february 2007, I went out shopping for old records with our great
friend ‘Zecalouro’ from Loronix. He took me to this tiny recordshack
somewhere in a Copacabana shoppingcentre, when searching I found
this ‘Ed Lincoln’. I felt a little uncomfortable buying quite some LP’s
there, a friend takes you to see his special source, I almost felt
like I was stealing something. Later I ripped some of the LP’s I found
and sent them to Zeca, among others this one was posted at Loronix
already over a year ago. I think it is appropriate to post it
oncemore today. Hope you like it.tracks;
1 Miss Balanço
2 Só danço samba
3 Vou rir de você
4 Influência do jazz
5 Um samba gostoso
6 Vamos balançar
7 O samba é bom assim
8 P’ra que
9 É um estouro
10 Balansamba # 1
11 Tristeza
12 Olhou p’ra mimPosted by Moosat 12:38 PMCategories
- Tuesday July 15, 2008
Photos; middle – young Adoniran Barbosa, bottom – Demonios da Garoa
Barbosa and Vanzolini are both from Sao Paulo, both made very nice Samba,
that must be the reason of this release.
The A-Side contains 4 songs, written by Paulo Vanzolini, the B-side,
4 songs written by Adoniran Barbosa. All 8 worth this post.tracks;
1 Chico Buarque de Hollanda – Praça Clovis
2 Carlos Paraná – Capoeira do Arnaldo
3 Cláudia Morena – Ronda
4 Adauto Santos – Volta por cima
5 Demonios da Garoa – Trem das onze
6 Adoniran Barbosa e os Titulares do Ritmo – Samba do Arnesto
7 Demonios da Garoa – Saudosa Maloca
8 Adoniran Barbosa e os Titulares do Ritmo – Tocar na bandaPosted by Moosat 8:12 PMCategories
- Tuesday July 15, 2008
We’re Back on the World Music Track !
One of the Biggest names, if we speak about Brazilian composers, is
without any doubt, ‘Noël Rosa’.
This little album, with only 8 tracks, is from the famous series
‘Nova História de la Música Popular Brasileira’.
It contains various interpretations of Noël Rosa’s work.
On track #6, we hear the master himself, together with Marília Batista.
Very nice is also Maria Bethania’s version of ‘Trés Apitos’.tracks;
01 Beth Carvalho – Onde esta a honestidade
02 Mario Reis – Quando o samba acabou
03 Maria Bethania – Trés apitos
04 Aracy de Almeida – Ultimo desejo
05 Aracy de Almeida – Palpite infeliz
06 Noel Rosa e Marilia Batista – Você vai se quiser
07 Francisco Alves – Feitio de oraçao
08 Moreira da Silva – Conversa de botequimPosted by Moosat 5:55 PMCategories
- Saturday July 12, 2008
To close off this productive day, a sweet piece of Samba.
I had a great day, ripping all this nice music, I hope you did
too, listening to it. ‘Paulinho da Viola’ delivers an album
like no other. A bit sentimental but very decent I ‘d say.
Que saudade que eu tenho que o meu amor esta no Rio agora.tracks;
1 Sentimentos
2 Comprimido
3 Nao leve a mal
4 Nervos de aço
5 Roendo as unhas
6 Nao quero mais amar ninguém
7 Néga Luzia
8 Cidade submersa
9 Sonho de um Carnaval
10 Chóro negroPosted by Moosat 9:31 PM
Mete Bronca Batuqueiro ( Operaçao Samba )
RCA Camden 1972