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Categorie archives: Brasil
- Thursday October 16, 20087 comments on Zé Di – …Samba, Tapecar 1975
It’s been a while since we had some Brazilian music on this page.
Ai que saudade do meu Rio, demorou p’a caramba que temos
um bom samba neste pagina. This is a ‘Sambista’ I discovered
last weekend. I am always thrilled to find an album like this one.
Mid 70’s, Rio de Janeiro, great samba’s. Agorra me orgulho de
te apresentar; Zé Di comes in at Global Groove with topmaterial.
1 Outro bouquet
2 Ontem
3 Quando meu Salgueiro desce
4 Nao vai dizer Adeus
5 Independência ou morte
6 Rei de França na ilha de assombraçao
7 Salgueiro chorou
8 Chapéu de marinheiro
9 De como un homem deixou de fazer música e foi vender pipoca
10 Perdoe meu amorPosted by Moosat 9:58 PM - Saturday October 4, 2008
Goodday Global Groovers, we’re back with an oldie today.
Ed lincoln is back with a splendid LP. From 1962 here’s
an album very much sought after by DJ’s around the world.
It’s been sampled in modern dancetracks by many. If you
listen to the sound they created 46 years ago it is
vey understandable. The great voice we hear on 4 tracks,
belongs to ‘Pedrinho Rodrigues’, of whom I also posted
several LP’s, check the Samba section on the side.tracks;
1 Nunca mais
2 Confissao
3 Eu nao tenho onde morar
4 Amanha eu vou
5 T’aimer follement
6 Atire a primeira pedra
– Deus me perdoe
– Pergunte ao Joao
7 Tristeza de Nós dois
8 Leçon de Baion
9 Vai com DeusPosted by Moosat 8:47 AM - Sunday September 21, 2008
Forró is music from Brazil’s North-East, a very pleasant style
that makes you feel at home right away. Accordeons always
seem to give me that warm kind of feeling you have with
friends and family. Anyway, this is Nazaré Pereira, a singer
with a very nice round voice. And ‘Amazônia’ an album, perfect
for a quiet sunday afternoon. By the way, if you like Forró,
take a look at ‘Forró em Vinil’ a very nice page you find
in my list of favourites at the side-bar. Listen.tracks;
1 Riacho do navio
2 Baia veia Baia
3 Xapuri do Amazônas
4 Sodade meu bem, sodade
5 Flecha de fogo
6 O Baiao em Paris
7 O que vier eu traço
8 Forró no escuro
9 Nuvens que passam
10 Kalu
11 Boi bumbaP.S. there seems to be something wrong at ‘Forró en Vinil’, sorry.
Posted by Moosat 7:52 AM - Saturday September 20, 2008
Martinho da Vila is back with a true beauty.
From 1975, this is ‘Maravilha de Cenario’, only the best
musicians were good enough for this session.
A piece of Samba you don’t want to miss.
Posted by many already, but this one deserves it.tracks;
1 Aquaréla Brasileira
2 Você nao passa de uma mulher
3 Tempo de menino
4 Andando de banda
5 Lá na Roça ( Mês de Maria )
6 Maré mansa
7 Salve a mulatada Brasileira
8 Verdade verdadeira
9 Cresci no morro
10 Hino dos batutas de Sao José
11 Se algum dia
12 Glórias gauchasPosted by Moosat 6:32 PM - Sunday September 14, 2008
I felt like listening to some Samba today, so I ripped this LP
by Clara Nunes for you. Um pouco de samba nunca faz mal.
Produced by Paulo Cesar Pinheiro who also co-wrote the
opening song. Orchestrations were made by maestros Geraldo
Vespar, Ivan Paulo, Nelsinho and Sivuca, not the least
I would say. Listen to Clara Nunes.tracks;
1 Banho de manjericao
2 Obsessao
3 Na linha do mar
4 Apenas um adeus
5 Rolou
6 Minha gente do morro
7 É favela
8 Contentamento
9 Mulata do Balaio
10 Jardim da solidao
11 Abrigo de vagabundos
12 Feira de MangaioPosted by Moosat 9:50 AM - Saturday September 6, 2008
Another oldie, this time it’s a Brazilian one. Sambistas do Asfalto
is a quite unknown group, we only know that Astor Silva is playing
trombone. This is Samba from way back, hope you like it !tracks;
1 Arrasta a sandalia
2 Magoas de vagabundo
3 Izaura
4 Pelo amor que eu tenho a ela
5 Foi ela
6 Fui louco
7 De babado
8 Ela
9 Dinheiro nao há
10 A morena que eu gosto
11 Fita amarela
12 ProveiPosted by Moosat 12:28 PM - Sunday August 31, 2008
This Samba LP is from 1968, now I didn’t buy this one then,
I was only 10. No this LP I found in Brazil some years ago.
It’s the group Adoniran Barbosa worked with for many years.
They know how to kick some samba-ass.
Carlos Cezar’s way of singing sounds a bit old fashon but
the samba is strong enough to pull it through to my opinion.
What do you think ?
1 Palhaço
2 Favela
3 A Lapa
4 Helena Helena
5 Meu consolo é você
6 Falta um zero no meu ordenado
7 Laurindo
8 Nao me diga Adeus
9 A corôa do rei
10 Praça onze
11 Cabelos brancos
12 O orvalho vem caindoPosted by Moosat 5:28 PMCategories
- Sunday August 24, 2008
Finishing post this Samba-Sunday is for an oldie. From 1964
Ed Lincoln comes in with a quite different type of samba.
His albums became wanted collectors objects after some dj’s
worked on his tophit ‘Cochise’.
‘A Volta’ is an LP he made after recovering from a car accident.
You can hear and see he’s happy to be walking around again.tracks;
1 Ai que saudade dessa nêga
2 Eu vou tambem
3 The blues walk
4 Falaram tanto de você
5 Vou andar por ai
6 Deix’isso pra lá
7 Na onda do berimbau
8 Amar é bom
9 Palladium
10 Sacy perere
11 Sao Salvador
12 VolteiPosted by Moosat 7:34 PM - Sunday August 24, 2008
Jorginho do Império is back with another great LP.
Ever since I heard this LP first time, it was a clear thing, this
one’s here to stay ! Very fine album by Jorginho, a must
have for every samba-lover. Listen.tracks;
1 Na beira do mar
2 Pot-pourri de Partido Alto,
– – Eu nao sou o que ela pensou
– – Mas como é linda
– – Nao mexe nao
3 Folha desabada
4 Choro em verde e branco
5 Tempo de criança
6 Benedita
7 Dinheiro vem, dinheiro vai
8 Samba sem cuíca
9 Juca operário
10 Deixa o Carnaval passar
11 Rei sem saber
12 Com açucar, sem mistério
13 Viagem encantadaPosted by Moosat 2:13 PM - Sunday August 24, 2008
Quite a bit younger is this LP by Roberto Ribeiro. I think it
is one of his very best. It was waiting on the pile for this
samba-sunday apparently. Enjoy these 12 great compositions.tracks;
1 Resto de esperança
2 Jura
3 O patrao pediu serao
4 Artificio
5 Planta imortal
6 Ebó
7 Vem
8 Quem lucrou fui eu
9 Só chora quem ama
10 Quem sabe amanha
11 Gamaçao danada
12 Heróis da liberdadePosted by Moosat 12:49 PM