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Categorie archives: Brasil

  • Friday March 6, 2009

    This morning I got a strange surprise. The Blogger Team sent me a mail
    I violated other people’s copyright by posting a reggae compilation
    on my paralel page. When I went there to remove it ( which I always do )
    I found out it was already removed. I didn’t know and still don’t if
    this is a usual thing to happen. Have any of you collegue bloggers
    ever experienced this before ? Tell me about it.

    Neguinho da Beija-Flor comes in with this 1985 samba album.
    Assuming it is here to stay, I can tell you it is a nice
    and kind of traditional album. With the participation of
    a group of experienced musicians like Wilson das Neves’ rhythm
    section and many others. Powerfull and smooth samba with
    the strong voice of Neguinho da Beija-Flor.


    1 Ofício de puxador
    2 Dinheiro do pis
    3 Bem melhor que você
    4 Sem batismo e sem Adeus
    5 Se liga doutor
    6 A Deusa da passarela
    7 Bom dia, melhores dias virão
    8 Fim de nós
    9 O homem do colarinho branco
    10 Angela
    11 Problema social


    Posted by Moos
    at 8:02 PM
  • Thursday February 26, 2009

    If you like a good Brazilian Beat, this is the thing for you.
    Meireles’ orquestra was famous for it’s renditions of popular
    Brazilian numbers. Although it ends with a couple of songs
    I heard a few times too much, this is a great album.
    It’s been recorded 42 years ago and sounds as if it was yesterday.


    1 Ritmo
    2 Madureira chorou
    3 Nêga do cabelo duro
    4 Praça onze
    5 Máscara negra
    6 A banda
    7 Marchinha no grande galo
    8 Allah-la-ô
    9 Cidade maravilhosa
    10 Mas que nada
    11 Garôta de Ipanema
    12 Desafinado


    Posted by Moos
    at 10:23 PM
  • Sunday February 8, 2009

    Clementina de Jesus, front

    In 1979 EMI brought together a fantastic group of artists.
    Clementina de Jesus invited the cream of the crop of the Rio
    de Janeiro Samba scene. This is samba for the purists among us.
    With the participation of Cristina Buarque, Clara Nunes, Roberto
    Ribeiro, Joao Bosco, Martinho da Vila, Yvone Lara, Adoniran
    Barbosa, Carlinhos Vergueiro, Wilson das Neves, Jorginho do
    Pandeiro, Chicinho, Neco and Maestro Nelsinho. I think that
    through this album they created a monument for Clementina
    de Jesus, an LP that gets better and better along the way.


    1 Tantas você fez
    2 Embala eu
    3 Cocórocó
    4 Olhos de Azeviche
    5 Boca de sapo
    6 Laçador
    7 Assim nao, Zambi
    8 Na hora da sede
    9 Sonho meu
    10 Torresmo á Milanesa
    11 Caxinguele das crianças
    12 Papel reclame


    Posted by Moos
    at 8:44 PM
  • Tuesday February 3, 2009



    It’s purely coincidental this LP also shows a photo of the artist
    with a burning cigarette. I was not looking for it, but when I
    was ripping it I found out. I must say, it didn’t harm
    Carlos Lyra’s voice aswell.

    Some two years ago I first got aquainted with the phenomena
    of ‘Music Blogs’. It was because a friend pointed me the great
    Loronix, the best blog on the web when it concerns Brazilian
    music. I got hooked to visiting the Great Zeca Louro’s Loronix
    and did not start one day without going there. Zeca, I want to
    dedicate this album to you, without you I would not even know
    about Carlos Lyra’s existence. Thank you so much for showing me
    all that wonderful music, Loronix is not just a music blog,
    it is a ‘Bossa Nova Institution’ and my great example !
    Check Loronix at our sidebar !

    Carlos Lyra is one of the inventors of Bossa Nova, he was one
    of the first to record a Bossa Nova album. Several of the songs
    he wrote and co-wrote with for instance Vinicius de Moraes
    became Bossa Nova standards later. A song like ‘Maria Ninguém’
    was interpreted by practically every Brazilian musician.
    Enjoy the Bossa Nova of Carlos Lyra.


    1 Chora tua tristeza
    2 Ciume
    3 Barquinho de papel
    4 Rapaz de bem
    5 Só mesmo do amor
    6 Gosto de você
    7 Quando chegares
    8 Maria Ninguém
    9 Cançao do olhar amado
    10 O bem do amor
    11 Menina
    12 Sem saudade de você


    Posted by Moos
    at 10:03 PM
  • Sunday January 18, 2009

    We saw quite some of Martinho da Vila’s albums on this page, but
    this one was still missing, untill now. Maybe because it gets a
    little too sweet for me at the end. It starts out with a couple
    of fantastic samba hits though. Topnotch musicians, beautifully
    played. For all the fans of Martinho da Vila.


    1 Canta canta, minha gente
    2 Disritmia
    3 Dente por dente
    4 Tribo dos carajas
    5 Malandrinha
    6 Renascer das cinzas
    7 Patrao, prenda seu gado
    8 Nego, vem cantar
    9 Calango vascaindo
    10 Visgo de jaca
    11 Viajando
    12 Festa de umbanda


    Posted by Moos
    at 3:43 PM
  • Thursday January 1, 2009

    Hello Groovers around the Globe, I want to wish everybody
    a fantastic new year with loads of nice music and lots of luck.
    The winter in the Netherlands is doing it’s work properly
    this year. It’s freezing a couple of degrees for several days now
    and skatelovers are getting ready for the big race already.
    When it keeps freezing we might get to the point, they can
    ride the ‘Elfstedentocht’ ( eleven cities skate ride ). It only
    happens once in twenty years or so and the real skate diehards
    are getting all nervous these days.

    When it’s so cold, I long for tropical temperatures and some Samba
    always helps. This is the second LP by this group, Exporta Samba
    is their name and I first met them through this album.
    10 nice samba songs, uncomplicated and warm sounding, just what
    we need on a cold New Years Day like this.


    1 A taxa
    2 O esculacho
    3 Lembrando a terra boa ( Sao José do Ribamar )
    4 Família de vocês
    5 Bilhete
    6 Que onda que te levou
    7 Raiva de tudo
    8 Aqui se faz, aqui se paga
    9 Fim de reinado
    10 Chuva de amor


    Posted by Moos
    at 9:56 AM
  • Thursday December 25, 2008


    Martinho da Vila’s sambas are always subtle and pure, every song
    has it’s own unique and original sound. Together with the great
    sounds of RCA’s 70’s and Martinho’s warm voice, this is
    a true beauty. Although ripped by several other blogs, this one
    deserves to be ripped and posted once more.


    1 Meu laiáraiá
    2 Volta pro morro
    3 Plim-plim
    4 Melancolia
    5 Madrugada, carnaval e chuva
    6 Samba do paquera
    7 Samba da cabrocha bamba
    8 Folia de reis
    9 Samba de irmao
    10 Linha do ao
    11 Ninguém conhece ninguém
    12 Vamos viver


    Posted by Moos
    at 11:36 PM
  • Friday December 19, 2008

    Ever since I heard this album, I’m a fan of Riachao, he’s got
    such a pleasant voice. And his sambas are just delightful.
    He can easily be seen next to Nelson Cavaquinho or Cartola.
    One of Brasil’s greatest ‘Sambistas’.
    Batatinha and Panela deserve to be on this album too
    but my attention goes out to the A-side.


    1 Riachao – Vou chegando
    2 Riachao – Fúfú
    3 Riachao – Terra hospitaleira
    4 Riachao – Cada macaco no seu galho
    5 Riachao – Pitada de tabaco
    6 Riachao – Ousado e mosquito
    7 Riachao – Até amanha
    8 Batatinha – Diplomacia
    9 Batatinha – Ministro do samba
    10 Batatinha – Inventor do trabalho
    11 Batatinha – Direito de sambar
    12 Panela – Nao suje meu caixao
    13 Panela – O patrao é meu pandeiro


    Posted by Moos
    at 11:58 PM
  • Wednesday December 3, 2008

    Beth Carvalho, front

    Absolutely crazy for some good samba, we’ve got us this 1977
    record of Beth Carvalho. She’s always in for some old fashion
    stuff. With numbers of Nelson Cavaquinho, Cartola, Aniceto
    and Carlos Cachaça, this can’t go wrong. Listen to that
    7-string Brazilian guitar, great sound.
    Great cover too, lots of beerbottles, in the bars of life.


    1 Saco de feijao
    2 Olho por olho
    3 Lá vem ela chorando
    4 Deus nao castiga ninguém
    5 Vingança
    6 As moças
    7 Se você me ouvisse
    8 Carro de boi
    9 Cuidado com a minha viola
    10 Desengano
    11 Sempre só
    12 O mundo é um moinho


    Posted by Moos
    at 10:41 PM
  • Sunday November 23, 2008

    Nelson Cavaquinho, front

    Hello Global Groovers around the world, today I am very exited.
    I’ve been waiting and searching long time to find this LP,
    and finally I did. Nelson Cavaquinho is one of my all time
    Samba heroes. When I first heard these songs I was thrilled
    with my new done discovery. Do you know that feeling ? It changed
    my perception of Samba completely. His way of playing guitar with
    those firm strokes, combined with his fragile voice that blasts of
    experience. His lyrics are of such beauty, this is pure poetry.
    ( you’d have to understand Portugese ofcourse, sorry for those
    who don’t ). A song like ‘A flor e o espinho’ still gives me
    goosebumps. It touches me right in the heart.
    Even if you’re not into Samba, LISTEN TO THIS LP !
    This is the Blues from Brasil, Muito, mas Muito bom mesmo !


    1 Quando eu me chamar saudade
    2 Tatuagem
    3 Eu e as flores
    4 Palhaço
    5 Sempre Mangueira
    6 Deus nao me esqueceu
    7 A flor e o espinho
    8 Degraus da vida
    9 Notícia
    10 Lágrima sem juri
    11 Luto
    12 Luz negra


    Posted by Moos
    at 11:18 AM