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Categorie archives: Brasil

  • Wednesday September 16, 2009

    Super Sambas, front, cd size

    This Samba collector on OKeh Records is a project with the artistic
    leadership of Zuzuca on 8 out of 12 tracks. He sings on two tracks,
    #2 and #10. The sound of 1973, Rio de Janeiro, can you imagine how
    different from now it must have been. This LP has been quite
    commercial in those days but today it has another value, a nostalgic
    one. I am very exited with this find, enjoy Super Samba vol. 1 !


    1 Samba 4 – Tarde de verão
    2 Zuzuca – Assim que é a lua
    3 Baianinho – História de um preto velho
    4 Os Geniais – O serrote
    5 Os Bambas – Deboches
    6 5 Só – O pinto piou
    7 Os Geniais – Tira meu nome da boca do sapo
    8 Baianinho – Mágoa
    9 Samba 4 – Foi assim
    10 Zuzuca – Reza forte
    11 5 Só – Batida de côco não é de limão
    12 Os Bambas – Desafio


    Posted by Moos
    at 9:53 PM
  • Monday September 14, 2009

    Zuzuca, front, cd size

    Gente, hoje sou feliz pa’caramba. O sorte que eu tenho, não é molhe não.
    Olhe o que achei, um pedaço de ouro que te vai fazer doido. Abaixe rapido.

    Look what I found today. On my never ending search for records I went to
    a town I don’t visit frequently and got real lucky. The score is so nice I
    hardly know where to start. I found some samba albums on the OKeh label,
    a branch of CBS, of which the first post. Three albums on the
    Romanian ‘Electrecord’ label, some Discos Fuentes from Colombia, some great
    LP’s on Syliphone, Eddy’Son, just super and you can share that luck with me.
    Tell me what to post next, and most wanted goes first.
    There’s also some Choc Stars, Fuji with a female singer called Salawa Abeni,
    Docteur Nico, Jonah Moyo and Pamelo Mounk’a. Coupé Cloué or Lisandro Meza.

    Now about this album, when I saw Zuzuca between those LP’s I had a shiver
    going down my spine. An album like this doesn’t show up every day and I realised
    immediately, we’ve got something special here. OKeh stands for topnotch samba
    and I didn’t need more then one listen to know I struck gold. This is one of
    the best samba LP’s I have ever heard. No less then 14 tracks, one
    even better than the other. The pile of OKeh’s counts one other Zuzuca
    and 4 samba collectors, plain fantastic !

    Vamos a Sambar a noite inteira !


    1 Sou batuqueiro sim
    2 Eu nasci na Roça
    3 O trem
    4 Meu drama
    5 Você pode partir
    6 Folia de reis
    7 A dança do Cafuné
    8 Areia, areia
    9 Tristeza de um sambista
    10 Foi no carnaval
    11 Sofro demais
    12 Soturno
    13 Bôko môko
    14 Pagode do compadre


    Posted by Moos
    at 7:31 PM
  • Sunday July 26, 2009

    One of my all time heroes in samba is Bezerra da Silva.
    Through the use of a popular samba rhythm called ‘pagode’, Bezerra
    da Silva’s ‘Violência gera violência’ ( violence generates violence )
    expresses demand for political and social justice. In the voice of public
    figures such as a police inspector, a government bureaucrat and a garbage
    collector, Bezerra captures and translates the popular mood on a variety
    of themes: elections, religion and drugdealers are a few of these.
    The song ‘Raiva de tudo’ ( rage of everything ): I see human justice/
    selling our conscience/ absolving the rich and blaming the poor’ is a good
    example of Bezerra da Silva’s peculiar combination of humor and political
    protest. ‘Filho da mãe solteira’ ( son of a single mother ) and ‘Candidato
    Caó Caó are other interesting songs on this LP which displays Bezerra’s
    always great taste in samba. One of his older albums you’ll find here .
    In our samba section, below left, we’ve got plenty related material.


    1 Candidato caó caó
    2 Feitiço da tião
    3 Vida de operário
    4 O juramento jurou
    5 Pobre compositor
    6 Transação de malandro
    7 Violência gera violência
    8 Raiva de tudo
    9 Samba manifesto
    10 Povo da Colina
    11 Bom Jesus de Nazareno
    12 Filho de mãe solteira


    Posted by Moos
    at 8:10 AM
  • Thursday July 23, 2009

    Goodmorning, today I received a load of nasty mails again,
    some people on the web think blogging is some kind of competition.
    I just want to say, I will not participate in throwing dirt at
    each other. Only positivity on this page please. It is only meant to
    serve the world and make people happy.

    And now about this little album, it’s small but very nice.
    Donga was an important figure in Brazillian music. His songs are
    played by many even today. This LP contains the great ‘Pelo
    telefone’, a song I first knew by the also great Martinho da Vila.
    If you listened to this album and like the music, take a look at
    this , another fine Donga LP. Hope you like it.


    1 Vou te abandonar
    2 Acorda, Adalgisa
    3 Jocosa
    4 Isto é bom
    5 Pelo telefone
    6 Cabide de molambo
    7 O vatapá
    8 Chuá-chuá
    9 Saudosa
    10 É batucada


    Posted by Moos
    at 7:06 AM
  • Tuesday July 21, 2009

    Good morning Groovers, it’s been quite a while since I’ve posted
    some Samba. I received mail from a friend. He wondered
    why I post so little samba nowadays, and he’s right,
    I don’t. The cause of it lies in the fact it’s very difficult
    to find a lot of samba here in the Netherlands. As some of you might
    know, I do love a good samba from time to time. Today I have an album
    by the famous Originais do Samba. Maybe I can still make up to all
    who missed it. It’s a very nice album from 1970 on RCA Victor.
    I hope you do not have it yet, this one’s for all
    you sambalovers out there.


    1 Tá chegando fevereiro
    2 Vestido branco
    3 O segundo cara
    4 Canta comigo
    5 Rio de Janeiro ( um samba só não dá )
    6 Perdão com dignidade
    7 É de lei
    8 Eu queria era ficar sambando
    9 Todo morro acordou
    10 O bem e o mal
    11 Prá ela
    12 Sambista


    Posted by Moos
    at 8:21 AM
  • Saturday June 6, 2009

    Noel Rosa, São coisas nossas

    Many of us know the songs of Noël Rosa, they are still being
    played today by lots of Brazilian artists. Mostly we hear the
    countless renditions by those artists but seldom by Noël Rosa himself.
    When one of our visitors told me he was so happy discovering the
    music of Noël Rosa, I decided to put together a compilation with
    his songs and all sung by himself. There are two songs on which he
    is accompanied by others, there’s one with Marília Baptista and one
    with Ismaël Silva. I went through all the material I have available
    so no vinyl rips this time. Noël Rosa was one of the most important
    composers in Brazilian musical history. Whether it’s samba, bossa
    nova or MPB, it would not have been the same without
    the work of Noël Rosa. Enjoy this comp.


    1 São coisas nossas
    2 Onde está a honestidade ?
    3 Conversa de botequim
    4 Você vai se quiser (with Marília Baptista)
    5 Gago apaixonado
    6 Positivismo
    7 João Ninguém
    8 Malandro medroso
    9 Com que roupa ?
    10 Seu Jacinto (with Ismaël Silva)
    11 Minha viola
    12 Cordiais saudações
    13 Por causa da hora
    14 Mentiras de mulher
    15 Coração
    16 Arranjei um fraseado|


    Posted by Moos
    at 4:14 PM
  • Sunday April 26, 2009

    Rosa Do Povo [1976 RCA]A

    Martinho da Vila’s sambas belong to the very best ever.
    This LP from 1976 confirms that again. His warm voice,
    combined with master musical craftsmanship make this LP
    another treasure in samba. RCA contributes superb sound,
    What can I say more? I know I’m not the first to post it,
    just could not resist to rip it again.


    1 Claustrofobia
    2 João e José
    3 Não tenha medo, amigo
    4 Invenção de Orfeu
    5 História da liberdade no Brasil
    6 Coisa louca
    7 Chorar não cabe agora
    8 Quem me dera
    9 Piquenique
    10 Choro chorão
    11 Ai, que saudade que eu tenho


    Posted by Moos
    at 10:24 AM
  • Tuesday April 14, 2009

    Os Velhos Sambistas, front

    Some years ago, when I came back from a trip to Brazil,
    I made this compilation for some friends. Today one of
    them told me he’d lost it somehow. This way it is available
    to him and to you as well. These are some of my favourite sambas.
    I hope you enjoy them too. ( cover = Cartola )


    01 – Nelson Cavaquinho – Quando eu me chamar saudade
    02 – Bezerra da Silva – Viúva de seis
    03 – Cartola – Sim
    04 – Zé Keti – O retrato do Rio
    05 – Seu Jair do Cavaquinho – Doce na feira
    06 – Adoniran Barbosa – O casamento do Moacir
    07 – Ismael Silva – Se você jurar/Pra me livrar do mal
    08 – Nelson Cavaquinho – O bem e o mal
    09 – Nelson Sargento – Triangulo amoroso
    10 – Cartola – Aconteceu
    11 – Adoniran Barbosa – Agüenta a mão João
    12 – Seu Jair do Cavaquinho – Adeus palhaço
    13 – Cartola – Alvorada
    14 – Nelson Cavaquinho – A flor e o espinho
    15 – Zé Keti – A voz do morro
    16 – Cartola – O mundo é um moínho
    17 – Ismael Silva – Entrada franca
    18 – Adoniran Barbosa – No morro do piolho
    19 – Nelson Sargento – Cântigo a natureza
    20 – Nelson Cavaquinho – Vou partir
    21 – Seu Jair do Cavaquinho – Roda de samba
    22 – Nelson Sargento – Falso amor sincero
    23 – Cartola – Alegria
    24 – Bezerra da Silva – Sua cabeça não passa na porta
    25 – Adoniran Barbosa – Tiro ao álvaro


    P.S. I found out I made a mistake in the tracklist.
    Track 9 should be Nelson Sargento instead of
    Nelson Cavaquinho, change it at home please !
    thank you.

    Posted by Moos
    at 7:26 PM
  • Saturday April 4, 2009

    Demônios da Garoa, front

    Yesterday evening I met my friend Bebeto in a local bar. He
    used to live in Brasil for some 8 years when he was a youngster.
    The titelsong of this album has a very special meaning to him,
    but he didn’t have it himself. I promised to post it for him today.
    For that same reason I decided to add a couple more versions as bonus.
    Enjoy this Bebeto ! .. and everyone else too ofcourse.


    1 Trem das onze
    2 Chum-chim-chum
    3 Saudosa maloca
    4 Iracema
    5 Prova de carinho
    6 Abrigo de vagabundos
    7 Lenço na molera
    8 As mariposa
    9 Conselho de mulher
    10 Samba do Arnesto
    11 Barracão pegou fogo
    12 A promesa do Jacó

    Bonus tracks;

    13 Adoniran Barbosa – Trem das onze ( live )
    14 Adoniran Barbosa – Trem das onze
    15 Trem das onze ( newer version )


    Posted by Moos
    at 8:10 PM
  • Thursday March 19, 2009

    Escrete do Samba, front

    Dear visitor, I use to post more often and I would
    if only I could find the time, well today I did.

    Last year, June the 1st to be precise, I already posted volume 2.
    Now here’s number one, a big medley of well known samba tunes
    from the early 70’s. For samba lovers, a treat.


    1a Do jeito que o rei mandou
    1b Regra tres
    2a Salguiro chorao
    2b Nega Tijucana
    3a Quando vim de Minas
    3b Fala viola
    4a Quero sim
    4b Tristeza pé no chão
    5a Boi da cara preta
    5b Porta aberta
    5c Teimosa
    6a Reza forte
    6b Mocoto é meu
    7a Serenou
    7b Que beleza
    8a Hora de chorar
    8b Quando eu me chamar saudade
    9a Retalhos de cetim
    9b Camisa 10
    9c Boa noite
    10a Anastacio/Samba enredo para um sambista morto
    10b Malandro é malandro mesmo


    Posted by Moos
    at 7:29 PM