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Categorie archives: Brasil
- Monday April 4, 2011
Noël Rosa’s music is loved all over Brazil. His songs
have such strong lyrics, they are like Brazilian blues.
Although about 80 years old, the themes never get
boring and even today find plenty of listeners. The tracks
I recorded from from this 10″ record were polished somehow
in 1970 but sound like they come straight from the old 78
rpm plates. Lots of crackle and pop but still I could not resist
ripping them. Part from #2 by Maria Bethania and #4 and #8
by Martinho da Vila the songs are from the 30’s. If anyone
has a restoring program, that would be helpful, thanks.tracks;
1 Aracy de Almeida – Ultimo desejo
2 Maria Bethania – Três apitos
3 Orlando Silva – Dama do cararé
4 Martinho da Vila – Conversa de botequim
5 Aracy de Almeida – Palpite infeliz
6 Marilia Baptista e Noël Rosa – Quem ri melhor
7 Almirante – O orvalho vem caindo
8 Martinho da Vila – Com que roupaPosted by Moosat 9:25 PMCategories
- Wednesday March 30, 2011
Ontem voltei d’uma viagem pequena. Fui para Salvador
de Bahia para pasar férias e descansar. Outra coisa que
sempre faço é procurar música. Vocês ja sabem que
sou louco por um bom samba e olha que encontrei agora…Okay, in plain English, I just came home from a little trip
to Brazil. I went to Salvador de Bahia for a while.
Relaxing, enjoying the culture and the historic centre of
Brazil’s first capital. I stayed in the Santo Antonio
neighbourhood which is close to the famous Pelourinho.
Another goal on my travels is always to find music.
As you know I love a good samba, to kick off, this
nice piece by Osvaldo Nunes, a very
happy album, enjoy..tracks;
1 Bota samba nisso
2 Segura a nêga
3 Como eu chorei
4 O couro come
5 Me deixa quebrar
6 Ele é rei
7 Sete sinos da felicidade
8 ôba-la-la
9 Bate cabeça
10 Volta
11 Vou morrer de rir
12 Sou doidão por você, menina
13 Mistura de embaloPosted by Moosat 3:17 PM - Sunday February 20, 2011
I received a couple of messages telling the link of this LP
was dead. I re-uploaded it and decided to re-post. One of
my first encounters with samba was by that great collector
that David Byrne launched on his Luaka Bop release for
Virgin Records. It’s from 1989 and called ‘O Samba’.
The cd contains the great ‘S.P.C.’, which came from Zeca
Pagodinho’s debut LP, the very one we have right here.
In the mean time Zeca grew out to be possibly the most
popular Samba and Pagode interpreter of today. Get this,
it’s still one of his best works.tracks;
1 S.P.C.
2 Coraçao em desalinho
3 Jogo de caipira
4 Se eu for falar de tristeza
5 Quando eu contar
6 Cheiro de saudade
7 Pout-Pourri de Partido Alto
8 Casal sem vergonha
9 Quintal do céu
10 Cidade do pé junto
11 Judia de mim
12 Brincadeira tem horaPosted by Moosat 9:05 AM - Saturday November 6, 2010
Some samba for your saturdaynight. I made this little comp
out of our samplers, known songs, new outfit. I did it to play
in my car, maybe you like a little samba too, so here it is.tracks;
1 Chico da Silva – Pandeiro é meu nome
2 Ed Lincoln – Palladium
3 Pedrinho Rodrigues – Salgueiro chorao
4 Martinho da Vila – Calango longo
5 Zé Di – Quando meu Salgueiro desce
6 Riachão – Pitada de tabaco
7 Beth Carvalho – Onde esta a honestidade
8 Martinho da Vila – Plim-plim
9 Grupo Fundo de Quintal – Você quer voltar
10 Alcione – Tiê
11 Nelson Cavaquinho – A flor e o espinho
12 Maria Creuza – Pouco importa
13 Jorginho do Império – Samba sem cuíca
14 Os Originais do Samba – Cachaça no tanque
15 Adoniran Barbosa e os Titulares do Ritmo – Samba do Arnesto
16 Os Batuqueiros e as Mulatas – Minhas razoesPosted by Moosat 9:48 PM - Sunday November 29, 2009
Batucada is all about Brazilian rhythm. Samba rhythms can get quite
complicated but when Paulinho and his drummers begin to explain,
it all becomes cristal clear. Outstanding beats from the 60’s.tracks;
1 Estilo clássico
2 Sorongo
3 Bossa nova
4 Cruzado e bossa nova
5 Marcha e frevo
6 Samba de morro
7 Partido alto
8 Baião, rojão e maracatú
9 Samba de rua
10 Samba de carnaval
11 Teleco teco
12 Batuque em 3 andamentosPosted by Moosat 9:31 PM - Sunday November 22, 2009
During the 70’s there were lot’s of groups in Rio de Janeiro
like Os Bambas, Os Originais do samba or this one, who played
renditions of famous sambas. On this 1974 LP, Os Batuqueiros e
as Mulatas play songs by greats like Benito di Paula, Antonio Carlos
e Jocafi, Aparecida, Adoniran Barbosa, Mano Decio, Zé Di, Zuzuca,
Martinho da Vila and Dorival Caymmi. Great sambas by a great band.
With the orchestral leadership of Rildo Hora, nothing can go wrong here.tracks;
1 Retalhos de cetim
– Teimosa
2 Boa noite
3 O trem atrasou
– Trem das onze
– Zé Marmita
4 Desafio
– Eu bebo sim
5 Olelê-Olalá
6 Mangueira em tempo de folclore
– Rei de França na ilha da assombração
7 Boi da cara preta
8 Tristeza pé no chão
9 Requenguela
– Não chora meu amor
10 Oração da mãe menininha
11 O mundo melhor de Pixinguinha ‘Pizindin’
– Dona Santa Rainha do MaracatuPosted by Moosat 8:42 AM - Thursday October 29, 2009
Today I was in the mood for samba all day, playing lots of old
records I could not avoid posting samba tonight. This is a collector
of famous songs by ‘Os Bambas’ with the great Zuzuca’s lead vocals
on 4 out of 12 tracks. 4, 6, 9 and 12. Especially track #4 is one of
my all time favourite samba songs, ‘Quando eu me Chamar Saudade’
of the hand of Nelson Cavaquinho, Brazillian Blues. Se diverte.tracks;
1 Deboches
2 Rasgo seda à bessa
3 Mexe mexe
4 Quando eu me chamar saudade
5 Do lado direito da rua direita
6 Quando vim de Minas
7 Desafio
8 Corta essa
9 Quando a policia chegar
10 Guardei minha viola
11 Subí o morro
12 Terra amadaPosted by Moosat 9:09 PM - Saturday October 10, 2009
Some Samba on the Saturday night guarantees your partymood. This is the
second album by the legendary ‘Originais do Samba’. It’s the fourth one
on this page. This group scored loads of hits in their days and their
records are still very popular among sambalovers. Hope you like it.tracks;
1 Vou me pirulitar
2 Eu gosto demais da menina
3 Samba, de Holanda
– Tem mais samba
– Sonho de um carnaval
– Quem te viu, quem te vé
– Noite dos mascarados
4 Carnaval sem fantasia
5 Senhor Samba
6 Olha quem chega
7 Se papai gira
8 Em ritmo das 4 grandes
– Marquesa de santos
– Romaria à Bahia
– Salgueiro, berço de samba
– Jóias das lendas Brasileiras
– Exaltação à Portela
– Rio dos vice-reis
– Casa grande é Senzala
( Samba enrêdo da Mangueira )
– Semente do samba
9 Paticumba
10 Lá no morro
11 Com tristeza e sem poesiaPosted by Moosat 8:24 PM - Friday September 25, 2009
A little samba on fridaynight can’t hurt. Here’s another OKeh release
from the early 70’s. Again the artistic direction was in the hands of
Zuzuca. He took care of the vocals on track 3, 8 and 10 himself,
Baianinho on track 1. Contains some great dance tracks.tracks;
1 Ninguém tasca
2 Balança povo
3 Bate barriga
4 Pano da costa
5 Dose pra Leão
6 A volta do ponteiro
7 No pagode do Vavá
8 Nó na cana
9 Chiquinha fofoca
10 Esperanças perdidas
11 Regra três
12 Alô fevereiroPosted by Moosat 6:41 PM - Saturday September 19, 2009
Listening to Samba is something one has to learn. I always compare
it with eating olives or drinking Belgian beer. The first time you
think; Ooof this is quite different, second time it is already getting
a little better and third time you really start to like it.
One way or another, for me there’s no way back, hooked for life.This LP is a quite rare one, I never saw it untill I found it
this week. It contains tracks that represent several samba schools
in Rio de Janeiro. We have Martinho and Antônio Grande from Vila Isabel,
Anália from Império Serrano, Mário from Tijuca, Zuzuca from Salgueiro,
Darcy Monteiro from Mangueira and Cabana from Portela. Hope you like it.
This is Samba as pure as it gets.tracks;
1 Martinho da Vila – Pra que dinheiro ?
2 Mário – De fevereiro a fevereiro
3 Anália – Só deus
4 Martinho da Vila – Deixa serenar
5 Zuzuca – Tristeza de malandro
6 Cabana – Nem todo crioulo é doido
7 Brasil Ritmo 67 – Ritmo
8 Darcy Monteiro – Sou de opinião
9 Martinho da Vila – Se eu errei…
10 Antônio – Sinfonia do mosquito
11 Martinho da Vila – Querer époder
12 Anália – Berço do samba
13 Antônio Grande – Quem lhe disse ?Posted by Moosat 10:12 AMCategories
Abril Cultural 1970