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Categorie archives: Brasil

  • Friday June 6, 2014

    Bateria Nota 10, front

    Some batucada to get you in the mood. In six days time
    the final rounds for the 2014 worldcup of soccer will begin.
    This time it is in Brazil as you know and Padre Miguel is
    here to make you move your feet and hips Brazilian way.
    Just rhythm, cuíca’s and some strings and whistling Padre
    Miguel is in charge of it all. Get it & spread it while you can..


    1 Curtição
    2 Azar de quem for surdo
    3 Afina a cintura
    4 Barato bicho !
    5 Pé rasteiro
    6 Ganhando na mão grande


    Posted by Moos
    at 4:35 PM
  • Friday May 16, 2014

    Dona Ivone Lara, front

    Although I realise that most of our visitors find samba a bit
    difficult to listen to I can’t resist posting some of the stuff.
    Ever since I heard Dona Ivone Lara first time I got captured
    by her pleasant voice and music. Personally I think the best
    samba was made a bit earlier but Dona Ivone Lara managed
    to keep alive the sound that I like so much. If you are into
    Brazilian samba do not miss this one, I strongly recommend
    you give it a spin, who knows what will happen depois..

    Então gente, se você gosta de samba, não se esquece de
    baixar ese disco aqui. Dona Ivone Lara com a voz deliciosa
    dela esta aqui pra fazer vocês feliz. Eu fiquei muito e espero
    que vão também. Pega rapido e pasa para os seus amigos..


    1 Roda de samba pra salvador
    2 Prea comeu
    3 O samba não pode parar
    4 Lamento do negro
    5 Nasci para sonhar e cantar
    6 Sambas de terreiro ( prazer da serrinha )
    – Serra dos meus sonhos dourados
    – Orgia
    – Alegria minha gente
    – Eu ja jurei
    – Me abandonaste
    – Meu destino é sofrer
    – Chorar não resolve
    – Serra dos meus sonhos dourados
    2 Coração porque choras ?
    3 Vejo em teus labios risos
    4 Uma rosa pro cartola


    Posted by Moos
    at 4:04 PM
  • Saturday April 19, 2014

    Os Originais do Samba, front

    Goodmorning groovers, it has been a long time since I’ve
    posted some samba. I know that most of our visitors don’t
    like it a lot but I am a sucker for good samba. I also know
    that some of our frequenters do like it, in fact one of them
    specifically asked me to post more Brazillian material. So
    here is an lp by a very popular group, we had four of their
    albums in the past.

    Remco, check these out, I’m sure you’re gonna like what
    you hear, take your guitar and play along..cheers..


    1 Saudade e flores
    2 Samba do “Arnesto”
    3 Cabeça que não tem juízo
    4 Tragédia no fundo do mar
    5 Pra que tristeza
    6 Mulata faceira
    7 Boato
    8 Canto de amor
    9 Buchicho
    10 Complicação
    11 Quem me dera
    12 Não sei de nada


    Posted by Moos
    at 3:53 PM
  • Sunday November 18, 2012

    Bossa Nova Gosto de Loronix

    For those who like to listen to laid back Brazilian music
    from the sixties and seventies, I made us this compilation.
    Before you start commenting, let me be the first to say;
    You’re right, this is not only bossa nova. This comp also
    contains some samba, chorinho and MPB for instance. I just
    picked a nice cover from the pile of Loronix material, after
    all, it was made under the spell of Zecalouro who taught us
    so much about this wonderful almost forgotten music.
    Consider it another tribute to Loronix and Zeca,
    Hope U like..


    1   Elis Regina – Folhas secas
    2   Thelma – O que é que a bahiana tem
    3   Nara Leão – Minha nega
    4   Sambalanço Trio – Samba pro pedrinho
    5   Sylvia Telles – Com você
    6   Elizeth Cardoso – Na cadência do samba
    7   Maria Bethania – Trés apitos
    8   Abel Ferreira – Chorando baixinho
    9   Dorival Caymmi – Eo não tenho onde morar
    10  The Bossa Three – Blues walk
    11  Astrud Gilberto – Você ja foi a bahia
    12  Ed Lincoln – Cochise
    13  João Gilberto – O samba da minha terra
    14  Djalma Ferreira e os Milionarios do Ritmo – Drinkando
    15  Claudette Soares – Bom tempo
    16  Milton Banana – Cidade vazia
    17  Celly Campo – Banho de lua
    18  Alberto Mota e seu Conjunto – Samba triste


    Posted by Moos
    at 12:08 PM
  • Saturday July 28, 2012

    Joel Teixeira, front

    Long time since I posted some samba. I really got in
    the mood for some Brazillian stuff the past few days.
    Here’s an album I had waiting for quite some time.
    I think Joel Teixeira is a very underrated sambista.
    From the very beginning I heard his music I was
    convinced of his skills. 12 great samba’s
    for lovers of the genre.


    1   Um sorriso amigo
    2   Minha terra
    3   Simplesmente saudade
    4   Surra de amor
    5   Não haverá outra vez
    6   É madrugada
    7   Fica combinado assim
    8   Um novo amanhecer
    9   Hoje sou felicidade
    10  Violência
    11  Quero ser feliz contigo
    12  A saudade dela


    Posted by Moos
    at 8:58 AM
  • Friday February 24, 2012

    Escolas de Samba 1, front

    Okay, let’s do some samba. Carnaval is over more or less but
    that doesn’t matter with this timeless music. In the series ‘Música
    Popular Brasileira’ this is a collector of various sambas from the
    early seventies. It concerns songs used by the Samba schools
    from Rio de Janeiro from 1970 to 1976. baixe rapido e escuta..


    1 Carlos Cachaça – Não me deixaste ir ao samba
    2 Geraldo Babão – Nega, o que queres de mim ?
    3 Alcides Lopes – Cidade-mulher
    4 Jamelão – Exaltação à Mangueira
    5 Clementina de Jesus – Moro na Roça
    6 Elza Soares – O mundo encantado de Monteiro Lobato
    7 Conjunto Velha Guarda da Portela – Vida de fidalga
    8 Conjunto Velha Guarda da Portela – Quantas lágrimas


    Posted by Moos
    at 8:46 AM
  • Friday November 25, 2011

    tribute to loronix

    It must have been somewhere early 2006, a close friend introduced
    Loronix to me, the first music-blog I learned about. I was sold right away,
    when I found out how it worked blogging took over a part of my life.
    Every morning I browsed through a load of blogs and always started
    with Loronix. What would Zecalouro have for us today ? Any samba ?
    I got totally hooked. When I visited relatives in Rio de Janeiro in february
    2007, I could not resist to cantact Zecalouro. On tuesday february 27th
    we went on a small city trip. I picked him up at his home and we went
    to some of the recordshops he used to frequent and had lunch in a ‘Comida
    a Kilo’ restaurant. We talked a lot about music and had a wonderful afternoon.

    Zecalouro had really infected me with this blog-virus, no serious, he inspired
    me so much, in may 2008 I could not keep it anymore, the birth of the
    Global Groove was a fact and I still hold Zeca responsible for that..

    As many of you know, Loronix is off the air for more then 2 years now.
    Untill today nobody knew why and what happened to Zecalouro. I had also
    failed to get in contact and did not know what was going on. Last week I
    had the idea of making this tribute and gave it another try to reach him.
    Due to health matters Zecalouro was forced to stop his once so popular
    music-blog. I had a brief contact with him. Fortunately he is doing much
    better now, working as a musician as he once did before.
    His life, his blog, his decision..

    I dedicate this compilation, fully inspired by himself, to Zecalouro and Loronix !
    I respect your choice in life Zeca, however, Loronix was of such richness in
    Brazillian music, it will be sadly missed till eternity.. que saudade..


    1 Anna Lucia – Cheiro de saudade
    2 Elizeth Cardoso – Quem sou eu
    3 Moacyr Silva – La barca
    4 Alberto Mota e seu Conjunto – Samba toff
    5 Thelma Soares – Samba do carioca
    6 Batatinha – Fora do meu samba
    7 Lais – Patinho feio
    8 Angela Maria – Quando a noite vem
    9 Ed Lincoln – The blues walk
    10 Bossa Trés – Menina feia
    11 Marilia Medalha – Pressentimento
    12 Billy Blanco – Camelo
    13 Manoel Conceição – Disse me disse
    14 Sergio Mendes & Brasil ’66 – So nice
    15 Walter Wanderley – Telefone
    16 Astrud Gilberto – Baião
    17 Dóris Monteiro – Meu refrão
    18 Meireilles & Os Copa 7 – Sombrero sam
    19 Luiz Bonfá – Sambolero
    20 Sergio Mendes & Brasil ’65 – O morro
    21 Wanda Sá – Aruanda
    22 João Roberto Kelly & Luis Reis – Cara de pau


    Posted by Moos
    at 11:15 PM
  • Sunday September 11, 2011

    Jair Rodrigues, front

    Yesterday we had us another very nice gathering in the
    park. Most of you are not able to come and visit me in
    Amsterdam, I understand. Fortunate were a few who live in
    my neighbourhood. Very nice to meet like that, in a relaxed
    atmosphere out in the open. I want to dedicate this post to one
    visitor in particular. Rogier, this one’s for you. I was happy to
    meet you and am looking forward to our next. We spoke about
    Brazilian music and the coming events in our Netherlands capital.
    I need to say something about the subject of today’s post. Like all
    Brazilian artists, to my opinion, Jair Rodrigues made far too many
    records. Brazilians tend to play each others songs without exception.
    The result is that more than half of it is undesirable. I am very sorry, do not
    misunderstand me! I am a lover of good samba but the ballads for instance,
    are really not made for me. I’ve been looking to find some of the samba’s
    on this record for years and finally found them on my trip to Salvador last april.
    To my humble opinion, ‘Não bota no meu’ and ‘O carioca’ belong to the
    hottest samba’s ever. So being honest, I have mixed feelings about
    this LP, but since it contains these hits, I feel obliged to post it.
    Focus on side one and you’ll be dancing around the house all day.
    Só um pouco de besteira você vai agüentar, ..hein.. ? Escuta..!


    1 Não bota no meu
    2 Sonho nordestino
    3 O carioca
    4 Êta fuzuê
    5 Na boca da avenida
    6 Todo Brasileiro
    – Dona Maria
    – Maria pé de boi
    – Prepare o limão
    – Pagode Japonês
    – A feijoada
    – Menina Baiana
    7 Majestade o sabiá
    8 Papo informal
    9 Coração de malandro
    10 Sonho e vida
    11 Pega prá capar
    12 Eu sou de você


    Posted by Moos
    at 3:21 PM
  • Sunday May 22, 2011

    Alcione, front

    Woke up with a samba feeling today. This 1981 LP by
    Alcione has a lot of the earlier stuff. It sounds well produced
    like it should coming from ’81, but the music has a strong 70’s
    feel. I think this woman has a unique voice, so powerful, so strong,
    I can’t seem to get enough of it. The LP is a bit dusty maybe
    but it contains some great songs, track 12 even has
    an African title and touch, rare, hope U like.


    1 Sem perdão
    2 Força do amor
    3 Pintura sem arte
    4 Marcas no leito
    5 Sangue novo
    6 A volta da gafieira
    7 Novo amor
    8 Minha filosofia
    9 Ave coração
    10 Luto
    11 O papeiro é meu
    12 Nzambi-Muadiakime


    Posted by Moos
    at 8:12 AM
  • Saturday April 23, 2011

    Bezerra, front

    A sunny saturday with sunny music. I have been asked to post
    some of that samba I brought home lately and It’s my pleasure
    to do so. I am not so fond of them over-produced types of samba,
    you know, with violins and huge orchestration.
    The beauty lies in simplicity and strong lyrics if I am concerned.
    The samba of Bezerra is perfect in that aspect, simple but effective
    instrumentation and lirycs that really stand out to my opinion. He sings
    about the people’s daily problems including his own. Crooks, thieves
    and dopeheads are often subject in his always mocking songs. This
    uncut samba with it’s delightful rough edges is like candy for the purist.
    6 songs by Bezerra da Silva and 6 by Reyjordão, enjoy.


    1 Mulambo só
    2 Mulher da melhor qualidade
    3 Meu pirão primeiro
    4 Cara de cruel
    5 Todo enrolado
    6 Velha demais
    7 Matemática do feijão
    8 Boi que morre na minha fazenda
    9 Greve dos ladrões
    10 Lei da madeira
    11 Caboclo porrete
    12 Tô com poderoso



    Posted by Moos
    at 11:17 AM