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Categorie archives: Brasil
- Sunday January 18, 2015
Maybe it is bacause of Forró em Vinyl, that site has so much forró
to offer that I neglected the genre. Only three albums over the past
seven years, about time to post some. For those who don’t know,
forró is from Brazils north eastern regions, always accompanied
by accordeons, ( or almost always ) and very happy. Today’s
album is a collector that contains songs by various popular
artists from the era, Jackson do Pandeiro is the most
famous but there’s Zé Calixto and others that bring
all short and catchy songs. I like’m a lot..
Get & spread ..tracks;
1 Jackson do Pandeiro & Almira – Na base da chinela
2 Jararaca & Ratinho – Viva são joão
3 Gabriel e seu Violino – Saltitando com a rabeca
4 Moura júnior – Avuale fulorão
5 Zé Calixto e sua Sanfona de Oito Baixos – Forró do carroussel
6 Zé Fernandes – Rancheira do porom pom pom
7 Jackson do Pandeiro & Almira – Vem amor
8 Zé Calixto e sua Sanfona de Oito Baixos – Milho verde na fogueira
9 Jackson do Pandeiro & Almira – Muié muderna
10 João Mello – Segure o fole calixto
11 Gabriel e seu Violino – Toca fogo na fogueira
12 Moura Júnior – Amor naquela base
13 Zé Fernandes – Oito baixo renitente
14 Jararaca e Ratinho – Quadrilha do arraiáIn the following video we see Zé Calixto and others explaining
the difference between a normal accordeon and the ‘sanfona de oito baixos’,
( sanfona with eight basses ) sorry, no subtitles..and one about the Brazillian sanfona..
Posted by Moosat 10:13 AM - Wednesday December 24, 2014
It is from 1974, Rio de Janeiro Brasil, on the Equipe label
and quite something different than one would expect.
Osvaldo Nunes was here before with a straight samba
album but the one we have here today has a much more
poppy sound. It is samba but with more guitar and organ,
mostly we hear a more accoustic sound with violão,
cavaquinho and cuíca and such. Osvaldo Nunes and
the Pop’s really rock ! Give it a spin, listen
and make up your own mind..tracks;
1 Ta’ tudo aí !
2 Cateretê
3 Outro amor de carnaval
4 Você deixa ?
5 Guerra santa
6 Tamanqueiro
7 Dendeca
8 Dôce canção
9 Cascata
10 Mulher de malandro
11 Chorei, chorei
12 Canto da sereiaPosted by Moosat 9:50 AM - Saturday December 6, 2014
This morning I woke up full of inspiration, I started my computer,
made coffee and chose an album to post. I sat down and the words
just came naturally. My communication skills are often coming short but
today I was somehow satified over the words I picked. Now I am quite
experienced doing this little job, I do it so often, the automatic pilote
takes over when my mind drifts off somehow. I was ready to post,
the recording was succesful but then I realised I had threw away
my so carefully chosen text, damned, it was gone and I was
unable to reproduce the lines. I tried to rewrite it but the words
had gone forever, stupid me..Now about the music posted today, the album I want
to share with you today is with some of the greatest samba artists. It
is released in 1974 on RCA Victor, Martinho da Vila and Os Originais
do Samba both have a bunch of records posted here, if you want, you
can find them using our search-bar on the left..enjoy.P.S. I just noticed this is the 100th Brazillian topic
here at the Global Groove, nice number..tracks;
1 Martinho da Vila – Samba da cabrocha bamba
2 Os Originais do Samba – Sei lá mangueira
3 Martinho da Vila – Viola de maçaranduba
– Misticismo da áfrica ao brasil
– Lapa em trés tempos
– Poeira
– Cadê miquilina
– Quero ver quebrar
4 Os Originais do Samba – Brasileiro
5 Os Originais do Samba – Eu vou pagar pra ver
6 Martinho da Vila – Boa noite
– Carnaval de ilusões
– Caramba
7 Os Originais do Samba – Tem mais samba
– Sonho de um carnaval
– Quem te viu e quem te vê
– Noite dos mascarados
8 Martinho da Vila – Pode encomendar o seu caixão
9 Os Originais do Samba – Ciranda cirandeia
10 Martinho da Vila – MelancoliaPosted by Moosat 2:21 PMCategories
- Saturday November 8, 2014
This afternoon I went to a tiny recordstore in the middle
of Amsterdam’s red-light district. Just in between two
black hookers there’s this gate, you have to know where
it is cause it’s easy to get distracted. When snooping
around in my friend’s shop I stumbled upon this samba
album from back in 1969. It is an lp by Picolino, one of
the frontmen of the Portela samba school. I promised
to post it straight away, so here it is Alex, get it,
spread it, listen and have fun doing so..tracks;
1 Portela querida
2 Bento que bento é o frade
3 Mulher teimosa
4 O cotidiano
5 Pancada de amor
6 Vai negão
7 Ritmo portela
8 Renunciar
9 Mulato frajola
10 Adeus amigos
11 Samba da garóa
12 Ciranda cirandinha
13 Birimbau som de viola
14 Ritmo portelaPosted by Moosat 12:14 AM - Thursday October 30, 2014
This samba collector contains songs by some of the best
sambistas ever. Part from Marquinhos Satá, all the artists
have at least a couple of albums here at the GG. Check
them by using our search-bar on your left hand side. I guess
I can safely say I like all the songs on this fine lp. The artwork
is another factor that stands out to my opinion, very tasteful
and just the way I like it. Did you know samba sometimes goes
accompanied by matchbox rhythms ? When played in the street
and when there’s no backing musician available the singer just
taps his fingers on the box to create his own rhythm, very
soft and subtle. It is not a thing you can find on this here lp
though, all songs here are amplified as you may expect.
Listen and find yourself dancing across the room
before you realise, get & spread..tracks;
1 Alcione – Mocidade independente
2 Bezerra da Silva – Malandragem da um tempo
3 Beth Carvalho – Corda no pescoço
4 Martinho da Vila – Cadê a farinha ?
5 Marquinhos Satá – O rei do cheque sem fundo
6 João Nogueira – Boteco do arlindo
7 João Nogueira – Sonhos de natal
8 Alcione – Jacaré sumiu
9 Martinho da Vila – Pagode da saideira
10 Marquinhos Satá – Me engana que eu gosto
11 Bezerra da Silva – Meu bom juiz
12 Beth Carvalho – Nas veias do brasilPosted by Moosat 12:11 PM - Sunday October 19, 2014
Good morning groovers, this sunday we’ll make another trip
to Brazil. As some of you know, lp’s on Top Tape are not easy
to find. This one was still waiting for it’s turn to get posted.
Some time ago we had this one and now here’s volume
three. Batucada is very hot, rhythms, rhythms and some strings
and cuícas, just the thing to shake up your sunday afternoon.
Listen once more to Padre Miguel and his Mocidade Independente.Presta atenção galera, temos mais um disco de batucada gostosa.
É uma raridade quente que você não quer que falta na sua coleção.
Pega, escouta e disfruta ese pedaço de música que vão gostar demais.tracks;
1 Miscelânea de ritmo
2 Choro de cavaquinho
3 Embalando a moçada
4 Curtição de tamborim
5 Requebrando na avenida
6 Esquentando a galeraPosted by Moosat 10:45 AMCategories
- Saturday October 11, 2014
Good morning groovers, I am so very happy to be independent,
I found another album that disappeared from the old page. We
copied everything from there to build the new page but now I
find that some albums have simply been removed by Blogger.
I was going to bring you volume two of Pinduca’s ‘Carimbó e
Sirimbó’. I am very sure to have posted volume one about a
year ago but now I find it gone. My regards to Blogger and
here it is again, this time it’s here to stay. So you’re being
lucky today since here are volumes one and two in the
same post. Pinduca is from Brazil’s northern city Belém
that lies at the mouth of the Amazone river and is the
capital of Pará province. His carimbó is a style on it’s
own, nice rhythms, very different from the music you
are used to find in Brazil, it’s no samba, it’s no forró,
it’s carimbó and sirimbó..listen..tracks volume one;
1 Sirimbó
2 Menina, menina
3 Ariramba
4 Dona maria
5 O caçador
6 Comanchera, comanchera
7 Filha do lavrador
8 Morena eu caio
9 Tucandeira
10 Pot-pourri de carimbós
– Menina, menina
– Tucandeira
– O caçador
– Airambatracks volume two;
1 O pinto
2 Vamos farrear
3 Ralador
4 Farinhada
5 Lobisomem no quintal
6 Comathera do amor
7 Sinhá pureza
8 Leão faminto
9 Pisar no milho
10 Mato cheiroso
11 Sirimbó do vovó
12 Carimbó do mato
13 Dormindo e sonhandoPosted by Moosat 10:02 AMCategories
- Sunday October 5, 2014
Only shortly I told you what a pity it is not being able to hunt
for samba, there’s so little available in these parts. This here
lp by Jorge Costa however just appeared without a warning.
It proves we can be lucky sometimes and surprises like this
are the things that make life beautiful, don’t you think ? Okay
now let’s see what we’ve got. The best samba, to my opinion,
was made early seventies, this 1975 disc survives the eartest
without problems. I love the songs in which we hear the organ,
it adds a special flavour to the samba, making it extra sweet.
Jorge Costa’s Samba sem Mentira, a real delight.
You know the drill, get it & spread it..tracks;
1 Inferno colorido
2 Pode voltar
3 Não me interessa
4 Apaga tua vela
5 Só vai na onda
6 Bandeira da paz
7 Choro junto com você
8 Maria simplicidade
9 Chave do coração
10 Tamborete da vovó
11 Manda chuva na escola
12 Triste madrugadaPosted by Moosat 9:22 AM - Sunday September 7, 2014
Such a shame I’m not in the opportunity to hunt for samba,
my country does not offer much and Brazil is not around the
corner. Every now and then I go through my collection and
check on items I haven’t posted yet, this Bezerra da Silva
for instance was waiting for it’s turn to get digitized and
today that finally happened. Bezerra’s music is always
critical of the social structure and full of funny lyrics.
Check his other lp’s we posted by using our
search-bar, there’s a bunch of them
waiting if you like..tracks;
1 Fofoqueiro é a imagem do cão
2 Partideiro indigesto
3 São murungar
4 O dr. está na sua capturação
5 Meu pai é genral de umbanda
6 Justiça social
7 Na hora da dura
8 Ilha grande
9 A semente
10 As favelas que não exaltei
11 Preconceito de cor
12 Um comédia nas paradasPosted by Moosat 8:12 AM - Saturday June 7, 2014
Speaking of football, or soccer, whatever you prefer, I decided
to make a collector about it. It begins with a track from a cd
full of 78’s collected by John Peel’s wife. Nice old song, in the
middle we have two African songs, one Colombian and another
oldie with the Marx Brothers. On no.13 we have a track sung by
no one less than Pelé, with Sergio Mendes and on 20 a quite bad
Dutch caranaval song by our own Johan Cruyff, you wont believe
your ears. Most songs are Brazillian and about the famous Rio-club
Flamengo or Pelé, get it & spread it…tracks;
1 Albert Whelan – Pass! shoot!! goal!!!
2 João Nogueira e Outros – Hino de flamengo
3 Gasolina – E o juíz apitou
4 João Nogueira – Samba rubro-negra
5 Bezerra da Silva – Flamengo e mangueira
6 Hélio Nascimento – Continuo a ser flamengo
7 Varias crianças – Falando sobre futbol
8 Luiz Wanderley – Rei pelé
9 Pepé Kallé – Roger mila
10 Johnny Bokelo – A.s. biliman
11 Los Teenagers – Pachanga del futbol
12 The Marx Brothers – Professor wagstaff presents the football game ( Groucho )
13 Sergio Mendes e Pelé – Meu mundo é uma bola
14 Wilson Simonal – Obrigado pelé
15 Jackson do Pandeiro – O rei pelé
16 Grupo Fundo de Quintal – Sou flamengo, cacique e mangueira
17 Tim Maia – Flamengo
18 Gilberto Gil e Germano Mathias – Samba rubro-negro
19 Lonnie Donegan – World cup willie
20 Johan Cruyff – Oei oei oei ( dat was me weer een loei )
21 Gringo da Parada – Mengoooo
22 Torcedores de flamengo – MengooPosted by Moosat 4:37 PMCategories
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