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Categorie archives: Forró
- Thursday October 25, 2018
Als een oude plaat kraakt van de vele keren dat hij gedraaid is
in zijn leven kun je dat op verschillende manieren opvatten.
Enerzijds zonde dat de sound niet super clean is, anderzijds
kan men denken, het heeft een reden dat deze schijf zo klinkt.
Hij is niet voor niets zo vaak gedraaid. Dit is er zo eentje, stuk
voor stuk heerlijke tracks van de grote Marinês. Ze heeft
er vele geproduceerd maar deze uit 1968 is voor
de liefhebbers van forró, niet te missen..If an old record crackles because of the many times it has been
played one can take it in different ways. One way is thinking, what
a waste, another way of looking at it is thinking, it has a reason this
disc sounds like this. It wasn’t played so often if it wasn’t a killer.
This is such an album, one by one delightful tracks by the great
Marinês. She made a whole bunch but this one from 1968
stands out , it has a lot of noise but is still not to be
missed for the lovers of forró..tracks ;
01 – Ora viva são joão
02 – É no balanço do mar
03 – O sininho do amor
04 – Fartura no nordeste
05 – Matuto
06 – Urubu tá com raiva do’boi
07 – I tara-ra-ra
08 – Sete punhá
09 – Tema de amor
10 – Amor é mais amor
11 – Cantiga de viola
12 – Aproveita, pessoaPosted by Moosat 6:43 AM - Sunday October 14, 2018
Goeiemorgen groevers, ik was even zes dagen op pad, vandaar
de mediastilte. Crate digging in Portugal op zoek naar bijzondere
platen uit Brazilië, Angola en Kaap verdië. Vandaag weer thuis met
diverse mooie platen. Om te beginnen deze tamelijk speciale forró
elpee. Hij gaat online voor zo’n 85 tot 100 eurootjes. Ik heb deze
slechts even te leen om hem voor jou te kunnen plaatsen hier op
de GG. Helaas heeft hij wel enkele tikjes en kraakjes, luister..Good morning groovers, We had us a small six day break because
I was crate digging in Portugal. Goal of the mission was to find some
special records from Brazil, Angola and Cabo Verde. Today we’re back
home with various nice elpees. To begin with this quite special Forró
album by Camarão. Online it goes for some 85 to 100 euro’s. I just lent
this copy to be able to post it for you. Unfortunately it has a few pops
and crackles, still it’s worth at least a couple of spins..tracks ;
01 – Retrato de um forró
02 – É proibido “cuchilar”
03 – Ja tenho um novo amor
04 – Chililique
05 – É tempo de voltar
06 – A cigana lhe enganou
07 – Na casa da anita
08 – Baião mimoso
09 – Fim de festa
10 – Forró em palmeira dos índios
11 – Forrozinho moderno
12 – Forró temaPosted by Moosat 7:59 AM - Thursday July 30, 2015
This morning I wanted to rip an album by Jackson do Pandeiro
and only when halfway I realised it was the wrong slice of vinyl
inside. What a shame, time spoiled but not to worry, I decided
to rip a cd with another famous album by Jackson. O Cabra da
peste is originally from 1966 but the cd release is from 2001.
Eleven forró songs you’ll like almost for sure,
give’m a go and enjoy listening..tracks;
01 – Capoeira mata um
02 – Tá roendo
03 – A ordem é samba
04 – Pinicapau
05 – Forró quentinho
06 – Bodocongó
07 – Secretária do diabo
08 – Vou sambalançar
09 – Alegria do vaqueiro
10 – Forró do biá
11 – Papai vai de tremPosted by Moosat 10:08 AM - Sunday January 18, 2015
Maybe it is bacause of Forró em Vinyl, that site has so much forró
to offer that I neglected the genre. Only three albums over the past
seven years, about time to post some. For those who don’t know,
forró is from Brazils north eastern regions, always accompanied
by accordeons, ( or almost always ) and very happy. Today’s
album is a collector that contains songs by various popular
artists from the era, Jackson do Pandeiro is the most
famous but there’s Zé Calixto and others that bring
all short and catchy songs. I like’m a lot..
Get & spread ..tracks;
1 Jackson do Pandeiro & Almira – Na base da chinela
2 Jararaca & Ratinho – Viva são joão
3 Gabriel e seu Violino – Saltitando com a rabeca
4 Moura júnior – Avuale fulorão
5 Zé Calixto e sua Sanfona de Oito Baixos – Forró do carroussel
6 Zé Fernandes – Rancheira do porom pom pom
7 Jackson do Pandeiro & Almira – Vem amor
8 Zé Calixto e sua Sanfona de Oito Baixos – Milho verde na fogueira
9 Jackson do Pandeiro & Almira – Muié muderna
10 João Mello – Segure o fole calixto
11 Gabriel e seu Violino – Toca fogo na fogueira
12 Moura Júnior – Amor naquela base
13 Zé Fernandes – Oito baixo renitente
14 Jararaca e Ratinho – Quadrilha do arraiáIn the following video we see Zé Calixto and others explaining
the difference between a normal accordeon and the ‘sanfona de oito baixos’,
( sanfona with eight basses ) sorry, no subtitles..and one about the Brazillian sanfona..
Posted by Moosat 10:13 AM - Saturday June 7, 2014
Speaking of football, or soccer, whatever you prefer, I decided
to make a collector about it. It begins with a track from a cd
full of 78’s collected by John Peel’s wife. Nice old song, in the
middle we have two African songs, one Colombian and another
oldie with the Marx Brothers. On no.13 we have a track sung by
no one less than Pelé, with Sergio Mendes and on 20 a quite bad
Dutch caranaval song by our own Johan Cruyff, you wont believe
your ears. Most songs are Brazillian and about the famous Rio-club
Flamengo or Pelé, get it & spread it…tracks;
1 Albert Whelan – Pass! shoot!! goal!!!
2 João Nogueira e Outros – Hino de flamengo
3 Gasolina – E o juíz apitou
4 João Nogueira – Samba rubro-negra
5 Bezerra da Silva – Flamengo e mangueira
6 Hélio Nascimento – Continuo a ser flamengo
7 Varias crianças – Falando sobre futbol
8 Luiz Wanderley – Rei pelé
9 Pepé Kallé – Roger mila
10 Johnny Bokelo – A.s. biliman
11 Los Teenagers – Pachanga del futbol
12 The Marx Brothers – Professor wagstaff presents the football game ( Groucho )
13 Sergio Mendes e Pelé – Meu mundo é uma bola
14 Wilson Simonal – Obrigado pelé
15 Jackson do Pandeiro – O rei pelé
16 Grupo Fundo de Quintal – Sou flamengo, cacique e mangueira
17 Tim Maia – Flamengo
18 Gilberto Gil e Germano Mathias – Samba rubro-negro
19 Lonnie Donegan – World cup willie
20 Johan Cruyff – Oei oei oei ( dat was me weer een loei )
21 Gringo da Parada – Mengoooo
22 Torcedores de flamengo – MengooPosted by Moosat 4:37 PMCategories
- Saturday January 24, 2009
Benedito Nunes is from Bahia, but he moved to Rio de Janeiro
to record his music. Probably that’s why his forró has a bit of
a samba sound. I kinda like those chorus parts and guitar walks.
Unfortunately the needle jumps one time during track #1, but I
think it’s still worth a spin.tracks;
1 Ouritimbó
2 Pra fazer bilú-bilú
3 Quando esse cabra morrer
4 Ou casa ou morre
5 Namoro escondido
6 Ai, Tertulina
7 Pensao da Rua Auróra
8 Que felicidade
9 Cabra mentiroso
10 Caititu enjoado
11 Vou fazer sucesso
12 Adeus gereréPosted by Moosat 12:09 AM - Sunday September 21, 2008
Forró is music from Brazil’s North-East, a very pleasant style
that makes you feel at home right away. Accordeons always
seem to give me that warm kind of feeling you have with
friends and family. Anyway, this is Nazaré Pereira, a singer
with a very nice round voice. And ‘Amazônia’ an album, perfect
for a quiet sunday afternoon. By the way, if you like Forró,
take a look at ‘Forró em Vinil’ a very nice page you find
in my list of favourites at the side-bar. Listen.tracks;
1 Riacho do navio
2 Baia veia Baia
3 Xapuri do Amazônas
4 Sodade meu bem, sodade
5 Flecha de fogo
6 O Baiao em Paris
7 O que vier eu traço
8 Forró no escuro
9 Nuvens que passam
10 Kalu
11 Boi bumbaP.S. there seems to be something wrong at ‘Forró en Vinil’, sorry.
Posted by Moosat 7:52 AM - Sunday May 25, 2008
Forro is roots music, ( as quoted on backcover ) the unvarnished
Rock’n’Roll of the Brazilian North East. Driving rhythm
on button accordeons called ‘Sanfonas’,
‘Gumbo’, Brazilian style.tracks;
1 Toinho de Alagoas – Balanço da canoa
2 Duda da Passira – De Pernambuco ao Manhao
3 José Orlando – Eu també quero beijar
4 Toinho de Alagoas – Bicho da cara preta
5 Heleno dos oitos baixos – Começo de verao
6 Toinho de Alagoas – Peça licença p’ra falar de Alagoas
7 Duda da Passira – Recordaçao da Passira
8 José Orlando – Agricultor p’ra frente
9 Heleno dos oitos baixos – Entre e sai
10 José Orlando – Linda menina
11 Duda da Passira – Casa de tauba
12 José Orlando – Morena da palmeira
13 Toinho de Alagoas – Caráter duro
14 José Orlando – Minha Zezé
15 Toinho de Alagoas – Sonho de amor
16 Toinho de Alagoas – Namoro no escuro
17 Duda da Passira – Forró da minha terraPosted by Moosat 1:50 PM
CBS 1968