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Categorie archives: Mbalax
- Friday December 6, 2013
Within one week we lost two Africans of great significance, first
Tabu Ley Rochereau, one of the most influential singers of the
continent and yesterday, Nelson Mandela, no need to explain
he was one of the most important African leaders.
Youssou N’dour made this ode to the great leader in 1985.tracks;
1 Nelson Mandela
2 Moule moule
3 Samayaye
4 The rubberband man
5 N’dobine
6 Donkaasi gi
7 Wareff
8 MagnindePosted by Moosat 2:04 PM - Thursday September 8, 2011
Na twee super gezellige try-outs, zogezegd, moeten we komende
zaterdag echt nog een keertje profiteren. Het wordt drukkend warm,
er kan een buitje vallen maar dat mag de pret niet drukken. Ik wil
je bij deze dan ook uitnodigen naar het Vondelpark te komen.
Vanaf zo’n 15.00 uur strijk ik neer onder de grote bomen naast
het standbeeld van Joost van den Vondel. Met de Global Groove’s
Mobile Soundsystem probeer ik dan het tropisch zwetende sfeertje
verder af te maken. Afrikaanse klanken, broeierige latin grooves,
Calypso en reggae, oude jazz en zigeuner muziek, van alles wat.
Als je een stukje naar beneden scrollt, vind je ‘n filmpje van laatst.Saturday the 10th of september is going to be one of this summers
last hot days. It will be one of the last opportunity’s we’ll have
to go to the park and chill out under the blue/grey sky. Bring some
food and drinks and join us at the Amsterdam Vondelpark. From
around 15.00 hrs. the Global Groove’s Mobile Soundsystem will be
playing from underneath the big trees next to Vondel’s statue. Be my
guest and come around if you’re near.From 1980 wit Papa Seck, Doudou Sow, Mar Seck, Magatte
N’Diaye, Malick Hann, Alioune Diallo, Amadou Madani Tall,
Mamane Fall, Ally Penda, Paja Diop, Paja Seck, Yakhya Fall,
Babacar Fall and Moustapha N’Diaye. One of Senegals legendary
groups from that era. Class A material for collectors in the genre.
That sounds awful, no really this is stuff you don’t want to miss !
Wonderful atmospheric sound of Dakars early eighties.tracks;
1 Fatu sarr waasanaan
2 Medoune xule
3 Lii lumuy nuru
4 Jiko
5 Kumba
6 NgomarPosted by Moosat 6:58 PMCategories
- Thursday May 26, 2011
A little piece of Senegalese musical history
is to be found on this album from 1975.
From the first time I heard them, I was
determined to be a fan for life. How
about you folks ? No fan yet ? Better
listen to :artist – Orchestre du Bawobab
title – Senegaal Sunugaal
label – Buur Records
release number – BRLP 003
year – 1975saxo tenor – Issa Cissokho
guitare solo – Barthelemy Atisso
guitare accompagnement – Ben Geloum
guitare basse – Charles Ndiaye
chanteur, batteur – Balla Sidibe
chanteur – Medouné Diallo
chanteur & maracasses – Laye M’boup
clarinette – Peter Udo
tumba – Mountaga Kouate
chant-tama – Ndiouga Dieng
chant – Thione Secktracks;
1 Ndaga
2 Lamin gey
3 Nijaay
4 Ayda ba wuri
5 Faatu joop
6 Senegaal sunugaal
7 Geeja ngala riir
8 Mbegeel
9 Yaama doon xoolPosted by Moosat 7:32 AMCategories
- Tuesday February 15, 2011
A quite rare album by Orchestre du Bawobab is this one, ‘Une
Nuit au Jandeer’ is from 1978 and is widely sought after. We find
a few cracks in tracks 5 and 7 but are fortunate to find the a-side with
the exelent ‘Cabral’ and the rest of the b-side in better shape.
Enjoy this collector’s item.tracks;
1 Liti liti
2 Cabral
3 Digone nga ma
4 Ma penda
5 Baye ndango
6 Diougou diougou
7 Sindieli
8 SouleymanePosted by Moosat 9:59 PMCategories
- Monday February 7, 2011
When I had already recorded and ripped this fine album
I found out my fellowblogger from Orogod posted it in december
2009. I even left a comment, a man’s memory fails once in a
while,..ehem. Anyway, I think it is an LP that deserves a little
more attention so I decided to post it nevertheless. This Bellot
MAG 106, comes with a different sleeve if that means something.
The musicians on Star Number One’s ‘Jangaake’ are; Papa Serigne
Seck, Yakhya Fall, Alioune Badara Diallo, Alioune Hane, Moustapha
N’diaye, Doudou Sow, Ali Penda N’doye, Thierno Kouate, Mamane
Fall and Papa Djibi Ba. Originally it was from 1976, I’m not sure
but I think this is a re-release, being on another label,
license Disques Griot, Aboubacar Touré.tracks;
1 Liiti liiti
2 Geej
3 Maa demba
4 Macakki
5 Jangaake
6 Para villasPosted by Moosat 6:48 PM - Thursday November 25, 2010
I’ve read somewhere on the internet, Laba Sosseh only sang one
year with the Star Band. Logically this one must be from that year, 1964.
Vocals by Laba Sosseh, Doudou Sow and Magatte N’Diaye.
Somehow it feels like it’s not that old, can anyone shine a light
on this matter ? Not that it is all that important,
it’s the sweetness of this music that matters.
Sorry it has a few minor pops, love this.tracks;
1 Solla
2 Mamaya Ssima
3 Yena Neckla
4 Yadaque
5 Gualletana
6 Vagane
7 Le lolaye
8 SigalaPosted by Moosat 5:34 PM - Friday September 3, 2010
What have we got for you today ? A rare Senegalese album by
Orchestre du Bawobab ( Boabab ). Strange thing about this LP is
the fact that side one contains 5 tracks while the sleeve only speaks
of 4. Now I don’t understand a word of Wolof or whatever language
they sing in here. Listening really good made me gamble a bit.
Track 1 & 2 are most certainly tagged as they should. In track 5,
I think I hear the word ‘Wango’ a few times so that leaves 3 & 4.
One of those tracks must be ‘Sama xol bul dem’ and the other is
unknown. I just gambled and suggest track 4 is the unknown factor.
I might be wrong, if anyone can clear up this matter, that would be great.
If I mistake you should all rename the tracks in the right order and so.
One way or the other, this is a fine piece of Senegalese music history.P.S. I found a tracklist on the web that tells us track 1 is called
‘Seeri Takama’, a name that does not appear on the sleeve at all.
Could that be the missing track ?
Hope you enjoy !tracks;
1 Fecal waay sama xol
2 Adduna jarul naawo
3 Sama xol bul dem
4 Unknown title
5 Wango
6 Sama xol faatu joop
7 Fuutu tooro
8 Jolina
9 Mansani siisePosted by Moosat 5:22 PMCategories
- Tuesday May 25, 2010
Today’s album is a hell of a find but unfortunately it sounds like
nothing. The whole LP has a disturbing hiss and that is a real shame.
Normally I would not ask but, which one of you smart ol’ digital devils
is the first to give us back a link with a polished version ?
( part from that little rough start )
According to the online discography’s it’s the Star Band’s first album,
from the early seventies, great historic stuff that deserves a clean listen.
Thank you for being such help!tracks;
1 Bamos pa’al monte
2 Cheri Coco
3 Sene-Gambia
4 Malaguena
5 Caramelo
6 ThielyPosted by Moosat 8:08 PMCategories
- Saturday April 10, 2010
This LP by the great Youssou Ndour does not give us a single
word of information, we can only guess. Just name and titles are
displayed, and ‘Production-B.Diagne-Bruxelles.Youssou’s picture on
the front cover tells us he was still a youngster and the internet told
me it was released in 1982. If you can tell us who played on it
I would be very pleased. Enjoy Youssou Ndour et le Super Etoile.tracks;
1 Ndakarou
2 Xarit
3 Atou
4 Tabaski
5 Ndiane Diaye
6 Sama yayePosted by Moosat 8:34 PMCategories
- Tuesday December 8, 2009
If you take a look at our Senegal section ( below left ), you’ll
find that we have some albums by Super Diamono de Dakar. We also
have one by Super Jamano de Dakar. It seems to me, the band’s name
was first Super Jamano, then Super Jamono and finally Super Diamono.
Looking for the release date of this album on the web, I found that
most auction-sites claim it was 1984, one page said late seventy’s.
My instincts say 1979 or 1980, what do you think ?
Nice element on this LP is the use of harmonica, something I like
very much, highly original sound.
And that sweet voice, is that Omar Pene ?tracks;
1 Ndaxami
2 Yaraal sa doom
3 Mame coumba
4 Souma demee balay jin
5 Jalia
6 BailaPosted by Moosat 6:14 PM
Magnetic Records 1985