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Categorie archives: Zimbabwe
- Friday September 21, 2018
Anonymous asked me to post Chimurenga for Justice and
it just so happens it was still waiting to find its way to you.
We had some nine of his albums so far, Thomas’ Mapfumo
and his Blacks Unlimited have a sound like not many others.
This album is on the English Rough Trade label and from ’85.Anonymous is degene die me vroeg om het album Chimurenga
for Justice. Toevallig had ik hem nog in de wacht staan dus hier
is hij. We hadden reeds zo’n negen van zijn platen, Thomas
Mapfumo and his Blacks Ublimited hebben een sound zoals
weinig anderen die hebben. Op Rough Trade en uit 1985..tracks ;
01 – Tambazumba
02 – Hupenyu wangu
03 – Rumbidzai mambo
04 – Mugara ndega
05 – Marondera
06 – One man one womanPosted by Moosat 6:32 AMCategories
- Tuesday July 12, 2016
jonah Moyo & Devera Ngwena’s sound is zo sprankelend
en als je van een dansje houdt kun je echt er niet omheen.
Het is dan ook altijd een feest weer een van zijn platen te
vinden. Afgelopen week in Amsterdam vond ik deze. Zeer
lekker stukje jit uit Zibabwe, luister en huiver..Jonah Moyo & Devera Ngwena’s sound is so sparkling and
hot, if you like to dance there’s no way around it. Always
a wonderful moment to find another of his records so
when I found this one in Amsterdam last week it made
me very happy. Get it and spread it..titels ;
01 – Oversize
02 – Ndichamuwanepi
03 – Mudzoseyi mwana wangu
04 – Nyakuda zvevamwe
05 – Chitsidzo
06 – Ndiwe iwe
07 – Simukai titambePosted by Moosat 4:09 PMCategories
- Saturday January 30, 2016
Eerlijk gezegd dacht ik dat ik deze al eens pepost had maar
kennelijk heb ik me daarin vergist. Toen ik Rik’s verhaal gisteren
las ben ik de platenkast in gedoken en vond er nog enkele die
jullie nog niet bereikt hadden. Thomas Mapfumo en zijn Blacks
unlimited hebben er nog al een paar geproduceerd dus er een
missen was niet heel moeilijk. Deze is dus voor jou Rik maar
de rest van de wereld mag hem ook beluisteren hoor. Voor
de liefhebbers wacht er nog wel eentje dus laat maar horen.It’s been a while and to be honest I thought it had been posted
already somewhere in the past. It seems it hadn’t however so
here it is today. Thomas Mapfumo and his Blacks Unlimited
made quite a few records so it wasn’t difficult to miss one.
When I read Rik’s story yesterday I went for a quick search
in the record cupboard and found a few left forgotten.
This one is for you Rik, any one else can down it as well
of course. For lovers of the genre there should be
another so just let me know okay..titels ;
01 – Moyo wangu
02 – Varombo kuvarombo
03 – Shabeen
04 – Muchadura
05 – Handina munyama
06 – Kupera kwevanhu
07 – ChigwindiriPosted by Moosat 11:47 AMCategories
- Thursday September 10, 2015
We’ve heard some of these tracks on an album I posted earlier.
It was a very popular post I remember, in fact it is the third
most downloaded lp at this site. John Chibadura’s sound is a
thrilling one. I wish I had a couple of his other records but
you never know what the future brings, listen to the essential..tracks;
01 – Nhamo yatakawona
02 – Hupenyu hwangu
03 – Chisingapera
04 – Kurera
05 – Diya wangu
06 – 5000 dollars ( kuroora )
07 – Mukadzi wangu
08 – Shirah
09 – Linda
10 – Mharadzi
11 – Baba
12 – Kurera mwanaPosted by Moosat 7:36 AM - Thursday August 14, 2014
Take a look at this page.
Sungura from Zimbabwe is a style we haven’t seen much yet.
If you liked the Simon Chimbetu album, better try this one too.
Jivin’ east African sound, impossible to remain seated material.
..makes me happy to bring you, cheers..tracks;
1 Kurera
2 Mwana asina tsika
3 Kufa hakuna memba
4 Mwana wangu
5 Maggie mukadzi wangu
6 Nhamo ine nharo
7 Ndochema
8 Nhamo yatakawona
9 Hupenyu hwangu
10 UromboPosted by Moosat 11:54 AMCategories
- Saturday July 26, 2014
Good evening, the past few days engineers have been busy
making the final ajustments and testing the new page. This
weekend the Global Groove is about to migrate. We are
moving to the following URL, https://www.globalgroovers.com
So no more blogspot and no more webhosters to spoil the fun.
I am very happy to announce the new and independent GG.
From next week you will be redirected to the new adress when
visiting us, don’t be surprised it’s all been planned carefully.
You’ll find all the old posts, from the very beginning in 2008
untill today, copied and restored. Downloads will come from
the GG’s own dedicated server so NO bloody body can throw away
any of our precious files again. I want to ask fellow bloggers to
change the link on their pages when relevant from this week-
end, that would be really nice, thanks in advance.
We will appear without thumbnail of our latest post, that is
a shame but there’s no way when using WordPress as we do.
Still, thumbnail or not, I’m gonna continue preserving the old
and almost forgotten gems from the past. African, South
American and Caribbean grooves can be found here as
usual and we’ll start with some of the hottest pacific
stuff imaginable, better be there.For now, Jonah Moyo with one of the older albums in a re-post.
To make you remember, loads of goodies waiting for y’all …tracks;
1 Masvingo ne carpet
2 Huyai mose
3 Ngatishandei pamwe
4 Victoria falls
5 Unobuda nepi
6 Ndakatadza here
7 Uchaendepi
8 Ndochema naaniPosted by Moosat 9:21 PMCategories
- Saturday July 26, 2014
Goodmorning groovers, today’s contribution is one I really
enjoyed ripping for yall. Jonah Moyo’s guitar is uncomparable
with any other. Sparkling chimurenga from Zimbabwe you don’t
want to miss. We had a couple of his wonderful albums before
and I can tell you, it is not taking very long anymore before they
shall all be available again. The work on the new page is getting
along quite well and if nothing goes wrong next week, I think we
can launch around the end of this month.We have got some goodies waiting for you when the new Global
Groove goes online; Bavon Marie Marie, Grand Kalle, Empire
Bakuba for example, we’ve got various Pinduca’s and samba
from Brazil, Guillermo Buitrago, Alejandro Duran, Pedro Laza
and other Colombian highlights, Haitian Compas, Ghanaian
highlife, Salsa, Juju etcetera..what is your favourite music ?tracks;
1 Makeyi wakakanya
2 Rwafashukira
3 Ndoenda harare
4 Ndiwe
5 Mudiwa lameck
6 Ndodada nezimbabwePosted by Moosat 9:15 PMCategories
- Tuesday February 18, 2014
What have we got for you today ?
I guess the Blacks Unlimited were at the peak of their
performance days when they made this here album in
1983. Maybe it’s just me but it sounds so fresh and
sparkling, almost like it was recorded yesterday.
I must say I am a big fan of Thomas Mapfumo’s
jivin’ chimurenga, it brings one in a type of
sweet trance you want to stay in for ever.
Get it, spread it & enjoy it…tracks;
1 Nyarara mukadzi
2 Temerina
3 Handina mwana anozochema
4 Nyoka musango
5 Kambiri kaenda
6 EmmaPosted by Moosat 4:24 PMCategories
- Saturday November 30, 2013
Who remembers les Mangelepa ? It is one of those Congolese
groups that moved to Kenya and made lots of records there. This lp
is from 1989 and was released by Gramma and produced by Bothwell
Nyamhondera & Henry Peters. Label and first producer
I only knew from Zimbabwan artist Thomas Mapfumo, now
with Mangelepa. They call this music Kwasa-Kwasa
dance, a type of soukous also made by for
instance Pépé Kallé, listen
and dance away..tracks;
1 Cherie tracy
2 Tosambela nzambe
3 Kamulabi
4 MokiliPosted by Moosat 6:29 PMCategories
- Saturday April 6, 2013
Hello out there, what’s up ? Here at the GG things are
slowly finding their way and soon we’ll have everything
running without interference. In the meantime to keep up
appearances this lp by Thomas Mapfumo. It’s from 1995
and one can hear the chimurenga change into a more
modern sound. Still undeniably sweet, listen..tracks;
1 Vatete
2 Chikende
3 Njodzi
4 Chemutengure
5 Kuwanikwa pano
6 Zvatakabva kuhondo
7 Ndiwe chete
8 mvura ngainayePosted by Moosat 5:25 PMCategories
Chimurenga for Justice
Rough Trade 1985