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Categorie archives: Afro-Cuban
- Sunday July 24, 201118 comments on Gnonnas Pedro and his Dadjes Band International -The Band of Africa vol.3, African Songs Ltd. 1977
Long before being lead singer in Africando, Gnonnan Sossou Pierre
Kouassivi was leader of this group, the Dadjes Band International.
Gnonnas Pedro started his career aged 20 with leading Benin band
Los Panchos. Composer, singer, multi-instrumentalist (guitar, trumpet,
sax) but most of all performer of multi-sound music. Known worldwide
for Cuban influenced music and Agbadja, a modernized form of Fon
folkloric music. Music from Benin, Nigerian release, enjoy.tracks;
1 Dadje von von von
2 Ngbahanov O.
3 Ennemi toton
4 Agbadja moderne no.2
5 Hommage aux dovaniers
6 Adigbedoto
7 Fini les pave’sPosted by Moosat 5:44 PMCategories
- Tuesday June 21, 2011
I didn’t hear any complaint about not having that Soundcloud-player
anymore. I suppose nobody really misses it. Maybe we’ll have
another player some day, for now just download and listen.Duo Los Compadres was formed by Lorenzo Hierrezuelo in 1947.
Second voice and ‘tres’ was taken care of by Compay Segundo.
We hear them performing on this album which was a re-release
from during the seventies. Can you tell us the year of the
original release ? Listen and enjoy in the mean time.tracks;
1 Todo a tus pies
2 Con el temporal
3 El gato y la gata
4 La rebelion de mayo
5 En la casa de Don Juan
6 Envidia de amor
7 Yo tengo pena
8 En el monte
9 Pruebe este tono
10 Descripcion de la rumba
11 Paloma mensajera
12 Preparen candelaPosted by Moosat 8:01 AMCategories
- Thursday May 26, 2011
A little piece of Senegalese musical history
is to be found on this album from 1975.
From the first time I heard them, I was
determined to be a fan for life. How
about you folks ? No fan yet ? Better
listen to :artist – Orchestre du Bawobab
title – Senegaal Sunugaal
label – Buur Records
release number – BRLP 003
year – 1975saxo tenor – Issa Cissokho
guitare solo – Barthelemy Atisso
guitare accompagnement – Ben Geloum
guitare basse – Charles Ndiaye
chanteur, batteur – Balla Sidibe
chanteur – Medouné Diallo
chanteur & maracasses – Laye M’boup
clarinette – Peter Udo
tumba – Mountaga Kouate
chant-tama – Ndiouga Dieng
chant – Thione Secktracks;
1 Ndaga
2 Lamin gey
3 Nijaay
4 Ayda ba wuri
5 Faatu joop
6 Senegaal sunugaal
7 Geeja ngala riir
8 Mbegeel
9 Yaama doon xoolPosted by Moosat 7:32 AMCategories
- Wednesday March 16, 2011
One of you asked me for the track “Curaçao” by Monguito
el Unico. I did not find that song but I did find this album.
Monguito el Unico in Curaçao is an Aboudou Lassissi pro-
duction for Sacodis. It’s been recorded in 1980 and features
artists like, singer – Ramon Quian, piano – Alfredito Valdez,
1st trumpet – Tony Marrero, 2nd trumpet – Lionel Sanchez,
3rd trumpet – Charley D., tres – Charley Rodrigues, bass –
Guillermo Edghill, bongo – Joan Mendes, Conga – Julian
Cabrera, coro – Adalberto Santiago.hope U like..tracks;
1 Me ase falta una negra
2 Roncon caliente
3 Deuda
4 Como el macao
5 El lema del GuaguancoPosted by Moosat 10:33 PM - Wednesday March 9, 2011
Last weeks post with Monguito contained a song by Laba Sosseh, today
an album by the man’s own hand. Laba Badara Sosseh, 12 March 1943,
Bathurst, Gambia – 21 September 2007, Dakar, Senegal.
The son of a Senegalese father and Gambian mother, Laba was born and
raised in Bathurst (renamed Banjul in 1973), the capital of The Gambia, a
British colony at the time. Regarded as one of the greatest musical
innovators in the Senegambia sub-region, he grew up listening to Cuban
dance music of the ’40s and ’50s. Johnny Pacheco was one of his favourites
and he became known for his perfect imitation of the Dominican bandleader’s
style. The rare French vinyl albums El Sonero de Africa (N’Dardisc) and
El Sonero de Africa Vol. 2 / El Manisero (Disques M.A.G.) compile
Laba’s early and mid-’70s recordings.
( info: Descarga.com )tracks;
1 El manisero
2 Ojos para banos
3 Los carreteros
4 Senegal an X
5 Seyni kay fonema
6 Ayo nene
7 Aminata
8 Salsa na ma
9 El CanutoPosted by Moosat 6:44 PMCategories
- Tuesday February 15, 2011
A quite rare album by Orchestre du Bawobab is this one, ‘Une
Nuit au Jandeer’ is from 1978 and is widely sought after. We find
a few cracks in tracks 5 and 7 but are fortunate to find the a-side with
the exelent ‘Cabral’ and the rest of the b-side in better shape.
Enjoy this collector’s item.tracks;
1 Liti liti
2 Cabral
3 Digone nga ma
4 Ma penda
5 Baye ndango
6 Diougou diougou
7 Sindieli
8 SouleymanePosted by Moosat 9:59 PMCategories
- Monday February 7, 2011
When I had already recorded and ripped this fine album
I found out my fellowblogger from Orogod posted it in december
2009. I even left a comment, a man’s memory fails once in a
while,..ehem. Anyway, I think it is an LP that deserves a little
more attention so I decided to post it nevertheless. This Bellot
MAG 106, comes with a different sleeve if that means something.
The musicians on Star Number One’s ‘Jangaake’ are; Papa Serigne
Seck, Yakhya Fall, Alioune Badara Diallo, Alioune Hane, Moustapha
N’diaye, Doudou Sow, Ali Penda N’doye, Thierno Kouate, Mamane
Fall and Papa Djibi Ba. Originally it was from 1976, I’m not sure
but I think this is a re-release, being on another label,
license Disques Griot, Aboubacar Touré.tracks;
1 Liiti liiti
2 Geej
3 Maa demba
4 Macakki
5 Jangaake
6 Para villasPosted by Moosat 6:48 PM - Friday January 14, 2011
Some Orchestre Baobab always brings comfort when
you long for summer times and warm evenings. From the
1978 Paris sessions, volume 1. Six songs that will make
you happy instantly and forget about winter, open up.tracks;
1 On verra ça
2 Mi son
3 Sibam
4 Wane ma maguiss
5 El son te llama
6 ThiossanePosted by Moosat 8:22 PMCategories
- Thursday November 25, 2010
I’ve read somewhere on the internet, Laba Sosseh only sang one
year with the Star Band. Logically this one must be from that year, 1964.
Vocals by Laba Sosseh, Doudou Sow and Magatte N’Diaye.
Somehow it feels like it’s not that old, can anyone shine a light
on this matter ? Not that it is all that important,
it’s the sweetness of this music that matters.
Sorry it has a few minor pops, love this.tracks;
1 Solla
2 Mamaya Ssima
3 Yena Neckla
4 Yadaque
5 Gualletana
6 Vagane
7 Le lolaye
8 SigalaPosted by Moosat 5:34 PM - Friday September 3, 2010
What have we got for you today ? A rare Senegalese album by
Orchestre du Bawobab ( Boabab ). Strange thing about this LP is
the fact that side one contains 5 tracks while the sleeve only speaks
of 4. Now I don’t understand a word of Wolof or whatever language
they sing in here. Listening really good made me gamble a bit.
Track 1 & 2 are most certainly tagged as they should. In track 5,
I think I hear the word ‘Wango’ a few times so that leaves 3 & 4.
One of those tracks must be ‘Sama xol bul dem’ and the other is
unknown. I just gambled and suggest track 4 is the unknown factor.
I might be wrong, if anyone can clear up this matter, that would be great.
If I mistake you should all rename the tracks in the right order and so.
One way or the other, this is a fine piece of Senegalese music history.P.S. I found a tracklist on the web that tells us track 1 is called
‘Seeri Takama’, a name that does not appear on the sleeve at all.
Could that be the missing track ?
Hope you enjoy !tracks;
1 Fecal waay sama xol
2 Adduna jarul naawo
3 Sama xol bul dem
4 Unknown title
5 Wango
6 Sama xol faatu joop
7 Fuutu tooro
8 Jolina
9 Mansani siisePosted by Moosat 5:22 PMCategories