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Categorie archives: Brasil
- Friday September 2, 2016
titels ;
01 – Alberto Mota e seu conjunto – Tamborim
02 – Marilia Medalha – Ausencia
03 – Ary Cordovil – O que é que eu dou
04 – Gal Costa e Caetano Veloso – Coração vagabundo
05 – Thelma Soares – Palhaço
06 – Noël Rosa – Gago apaixonado
07 – Chico da Silva – Sambaterapia
08 – Thelma Soares – Garota de Ipanema
09 – Manoel Conceição – Genta humilde
10 – João Gilberto – Este seu olhar
11 – Thelma Soares – Fora do baralho
12 – Cartola – Peciso me encontrar
13 – Alberto Mota e seu conjunto – Jogado fora
14 – Maria Bethânia – Ultimo desejo
15 – Aparecida – Saravá, Saravá Bahia
16 – Maria Creuza – Pouco importa
17 – Raul de Barros – Folhas secas
18 – Doris Monteiro – Nos e o mar
19 – Abel Ferreira – Chorando baixinho
20 – Tito Madi – Chove la foraPosted by Moosat 7:01 AMCategories
- Friday August 19, 2016
Dit samba elpeetje bleek ik reeds een tijd vergeten te hebben.
Tijdens de reorganisatie van m’n platen kwam ik hem weer
tegen. Heerlijke sound uit 1975, met Aroldo Santos en zijn
sambistas. Voor de liefhebbers een aanwinst..During the reorganisation of my vinyl collection I walked against
this samba album which was in a forgotten corner. Great 1975
sound with Aroldo Santos and his sambistas. A winner
for lovers of the genre..titels ;
01 – Até que enfim
02 – Para mim isto não vale
03 – Batida de limão
04 – Origem do samba
05 – Enquanto a cidade dorme
06 – Cabeça, tronco e membro
07 – O mesmo de outrora
08 – Porta de cinema
09 – Me chamaram de doutor
10 – Viola de guiné
11 – Canção do amor que não ficou
12 – Apoteóse do sambaPosted by Moosat 7:18 AM - Sunday March 27, 2016
Vraag je mij wat het verschil is tussen Samba en Pagode
dan kan ik je dat niet uitleggen. Zo rond 1980 begint de samba
enigszins anders te klinken. De Braziliaan kan je precies vertellen
hoe het zit, de samba was veel sneller. Persoonlijk dacht ik juist
andersom. Als jij het weet mag je het ons uitleggen. De plaat van
Criolo Doido zou ik meer als Pagode klassificeren hoewel die in het
begin weer meer Samba is dan later. Pffff.. het duizelt me.
Luister zelf en trek je conclusie..If you ask me what’s the difference between Samba and Pagode,
I really can’t explain. Around 1980 the samba starts to sound a little
different then before. A Brazillian can explain you exactly, Samba was
much faster. Personnaly I thought just the other way around. If you
know it, please enlighten us. This album by Criolo Doido I would
classify more as Pagode although the beginning is more Samba-like.
Pfff.. it makes me dizzy, listen and make up your own mind..titels
01 – Lar doce lar
02 – Quem é quem
03 – Santa mulher
04 – 171
05 – Sujou
06 – Nega brexó
07 – Gente fina
08 – Malandro distinto
09 – Quem vê cara não vê coração
10 – Mulher maravilha
11 – Retrato falado
12 – Festa do camarãoPosted by Moosat 3:27 PM - Wednesday February 24, 2016
De plaatjes van Ed Lincoln beginnen steeds meer een cult-status
te krijgen. Deejays around the planet gebruiken samples van de
nummers die toch veelal uit de jaren zestig dateren. De sound die
hij toen ontwikkelde klinkt ook vandaag nog als een klokkie..Zelf
mag ik het ook vaak op feestjes opzetten en het publiek gaat
er altijd weer goed op, luister en zeg zelf, coool spul..The records of Ed Lincoln are more and more develloping a
cult-status. Deejays around the globe use samples of the tracks
that are mostly from the sixties. The sound he created in those days
is still hot today and always seem to score at parties.
Listen and agree, it’s cool stuff..titels ;
01 – O ganso
02 – The blues walk
03 – Pergunte ao joão
04 – Canção para o homem no espaço
05 – Vou rir de você
06 – A rosa
07 – Centenário
08 – É o cid
09 – Eu não vou mais
10 – Miss balanço
11 – Carioca
12 – Na onda do berimbauPosted by Moosat 12:44 AM - Friday February 19, 2016
Op Beverly en uit 1969 hebben we vandaag een samba artiest
die qua stem enigszins lijkt op Jair Rodrigues. krachtige vocalen
met origineel zestiger jaren samba sound, orgeltjes, lekkere
trombones en een sfeer zoals je die niet vaak meer hoort.
Met nummers van Jorge Costa, Tião Motorista en Martinho
da Vila onder anderen. Voor de liefhebber..luister..On Beverly and from 1969, today, we have a samba artist
who has a certain resemblance with Jair Rodigues, voicewise
that is. Powerful vocals with original sixties samba sound, organs,
nice trombones and an atmosphere like we don’t hear anymore
today. Contains songs by Jorge Costa, Tião Motorista and Martinho
da Vila amongst others. For lovers of the genre..listen..titels ;
01 – Corre gira
02 – Três horas da manhã
03 – Garôto sem nome
04 – Lê, lê, lê
05 – O galo cantou
06 – Segura a marimba
07 – Menina rosa
08 – Casa de bamba
09 – Tudo é tristeza
10 – Levanta a cabeça
11 – Eu cansei
12 – CirandandoPosted by Moosat 10:51 AM - Monday February 1, 2016
Vanwege de reeds besproken en broodnodige variatie
krijg je vandaag weer eens wat samba. Genaro was een
goede vriend van Bezerra da Silva, als je zijn naam in onze
zoekbalk intikt vind je vanzelf de platen die ze samen hebben
gemaakt. Dit type samba is mijn favoriete durf ik wel te zeggen.
Het blinkt uit door eenvoud, slechts basis instrumenten, alles
akoesties, precies goed dus. Als je er van houdt, klasse spul..Por causa da variação hoje te dou mais um pouco de samba doce.
Talvez que você ja sabe, o Genaro era um bom amigo do Bezerra
da Silva. Se coloca o seu nome no lugar de procura na mão esquerda
vai achar os discos feitos juntos automatico. Esse tipo de samba é aquele
que gosto muito. Ele brilha por causa da simplicidade, só instrumentos
basicos, tudo acústico, precisamente bom. Se gosta, não deixa..For the sake of vatiety today another piece of sweet samba. As you
may know, Genaro was a close friend of the great Bezerra da Silva. They
made a couple of records together which you’ll find ticking his name in
our search bar on your left hand side. This is the type of samba I like best,
it excels with simplicity, just basic instruments, all acoustic, exactly right.
If you are into this type of music, don’t hesitate and get it straight away..titels ;
01 – Conto de areia
02 – Patrão, prenda seu gado
03 – Nêga do peito
04 – Sete domingos
05 – Castigo da nêga
06 – Calango vascaíno
07 – Canta, canta minha gente
08 – Divinhadálho
09 – Ilusão de pobre
10 – Silêncio da madrugadaPosted by Moosat 12:24 PM - Sunday January 17, 2016
De zangeres die ik je vandaag wil laten horen is er
een waar niet veel over te vinden valt op het web.
Misschien niet heel bekend maar wel heel fijn is haar
super relaxte samba. Rustig voortkabbelend op een
manier die ik zeer waardeer, warme trombone sound
tegen kalme niet pretentieuse melodieën. Lekker easy
en net iets voor de vrije middag thuis, genieten dus..The singer I want to introduce to you today is one we
can’t seem to find a lot about on the web. Maybe quite
unknown but very nice is her mellow type of samba. It
babbles on very easy in a way I really appreciate. Warm
trombone and non pretentious melodies, just the thing
for your free afternoon at home, enjoy listening..titels ;
01 – Bahia de jorge amado
02 – Confesso
03 – A verdade me diz
04 – Aquarela da bahia
05 – Nas asas da ilusão
06 – Adeus favela
07 – Glórias ao pescador
08 – Samba para dois
09 – O negro no folclore brasileiro
10 – Ingratidão
11 – Apoteose ao samba
12 – Meu erroPosted by Moosat 11:15 AM - Thursday January 14, 2016
Het is al weer bijna zover, carnaval in ons land bestaat
eigenlijk slechts onder de grote rivieren zogezegd. Hét
land van de carnaval is natuurlijk Brazilië. In de provincie
Pará was Pinduca een van de groten met zijn Carimbó.
Luister naar deze soort van “‘Best Of’ ofwel zijn Seleção
de Ouro. Je moet ervan houden, vrolijke feestmuziek.It is almost the time for it again, in our small country it
nearly exists part from under the two big rivers that is.
Thé country for carnaval is Brasil of course. In its province
Pará one of the big artists in this field was Pinduca with
his stirring Carimbó. Listen to this type of ‘Best Of’ or as
they say here, Seleção de Ouro. Just for happy party lovers.titels ;
01 – Sinhá pureza
02 – O pinto
03 – Tia luzia, tio josé
04 – Dança do carimbó
05 – Bicho papão
06 – Sirimbó
07 – Bala de rifle
08 – Dona maria
09 – Mistura de carimbó com ciranda
10 – Siri e caranguejo
11 – Carimbó do mato
12 – A bailar comacheraPosted by Moosat 11:05 AM - Tuesday December 22, 2015
To make you remember the great Zecalouro and his Loronix.
He was the man that inspired me some 9 years ago with
his wonderful site. After visiting Zeca in Leme, Rio de Janeiro,
february 2007, I decided to begin my own musicblog and look
where we are today..Let’s see..This is another Thelma, it has a few doubles with the previous
one, however there are enough differences to bring it. Bossa
for whoever likes it, enjoy listening again..
Also be sure to check this onetracks;
01 – Samba do carioca
02 – Samba de uma nota só
03 – Corcovado
04 – Camara
05 – Chega de mentira
06 – Garota de ipanema
07 – Desafinado
08 – Deus brasileiro
09 – Samba de roda da bahia
10 – Deixa
11 – InsensatezPosted by Moosat 10:25 AM - Wednesday December 16, 2015
Just before I launched my tribute to Loronix in november 2011
I spoke to Zecalouro by mail. He told me I could use any record
from the good old Loronix I wished. Now here’s one I played so
much. Thelma had a skill of singing in a way, she kind of pulls
back the sound of the Bossa by stretching the tones as no other I
ever heard. Really astonishing cool Brazillian mood stuff.
Just get it, play it and agree, wonderful Loronix music.
Thank you for showing the way Zeca, pure gold..tracks;
01 – Yemanja
02 – Samba do carioca
03 – O que e que a bahiana tem
04 – Batucada surgiu
05 – Peca que deus da
06 – O astronauta
07 – Deus brasileiro
08 – Lancha nova
09 – Xango
10 – Chega de mentira
11 – Labareda
12 – DeixaPosted by Moosat 11:45 PM
Coração Brasileiro – Various Artists