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Categorie archives: Brasil
- Monday June 8, 2020
01 – Madeira de lei
02 – Brasileirinho
03 – Berimbau amarelo
04 – Chorinho fora de tempo
05 – Hipocrisia
06 – Até breve
07 – Verde e branco
08 – Adeus america
09 – Quando você refletir
10 – Não sei
11 – Patria amada
12 – RecenseamentoPosted by Moosat 8:50 AM - Monday June 8, 2020
01 – Almir – Festa do povo, em sonhos e fantasias
02 – Jorginho do Imperio – Felicidade
03 – Elza Soares – Exaltação ao rio são francisco (o vaqueiro)
04 – Criole – Homenagem em forma de samba
05 – Mano Decio – Tiradentes/herois da liberdade
06 – Carlão Elegante – Cidadão sambista
07 – Ricardo Reis – Carnaval intrigas e opiniões
08 – Agepê – Dor maior
09 – Ana Roseli – Velhos tempos
10 – Jorginho do Imperio – Somos filhos de canaã
11 – Elza Soares – O carnaval
12 – Ederaldo Gentil – Olá (canto livre)Posted by Moosat 8:34 AM - Sunday June 7, 2020
01 – Hora da razão
02 – Fazer santo é mistério
03 – Relogio não espera
04 – Cheguei tarde
05 – Vá tristeza
06 – Galha de cajueiro
07 – Maria nagô
08 – Você não tem palavra
09 – Garoa diferente
10 – Esquece a tristeza
11 – Quem samba fica
12 – Minha roupaPosted by Moosat 7:53 AM - Monday November 11, 2019
Ik heb me er altijd over verbaasd. Als je in de Braziliaanse
afdeling van platenzaken zoekt, vind je Bossa Nova, Tropi-
calia, allerlei funk gerelateerde muziek maar zelden samba.
Persoonlijk, maar dat wist je al, vind ik samba de fijnste Bra-
ziliaanse muziek, de muziek van het volk. Door de jaren heen
heb ik er al heel wat fijne plaatjes mee gepost. Kijk eens in
de samba sectie van de Global Groove en verlies jezelf.
Dit is de tweede elpee van Chico da Silva, hij klinkt een beetje
als de grote Martinho da Vila. Luister zelf ..I always wondered why, if you search the Brazillian section
in most record stores you find Bossa Nova, Tropicalia, all kinds
of funk related music but seldom samba, the sound of the people.
Personally, but you already knew, I think samba is the nicest of
all Brazillian musical styles. Over the years I have posted lots
of samba albums. Take a look in our samba section and loose
yourself. This is Chico da Silva’s second album, he sounds a bit
like the great Martinho da Vila. Listen and make up your own mind ..Samba: Quem Sabe Diz … his first from 1977
Discogstracks ;
01 – A chave
02 – Esquadrão de samba
03 – Convite a roberto carlos
04 – Setembrino
05 – Quem bate aí ?
06 – Amor sem juizo
07 – Segura eu
08 – Diário de um boêmio
09 – Abraços de noel
10 – Pra chatear
11 – Choramingo de saudade
12 – Samba também é vidaPosted by Moosat 7:28 AM - Friday November 8, 2019
tracks ;
01 – Madalena foi prô mar
02 – Sem fantasia
03 – Tem mais samba
04 – Realejo
05 – Fica
06 – Funeral de um lavrador
07 – Sonho de um carnaval
08 – Retrato em branco e preto
09 – Januaria
10 – Até pensei
11 – Sabiá
12 – Tema para morte e vida severinaPosted by Moosat 8:07 AMCategories
- Friday October 4, 2019
When the weather is changing and fall drops in on us, I always tend
to start playing more popmusic. Atmospheric stuff with lots of variety.
Something quite else is this cd on the prestigious Luaka Bop label of
David Byrne. His selections are outstanding and surprising. This album
is from 1991, already 28 years of age but feels like yesterday. Mr. Byrne
treats us with music from the UK, Brazil, the US and Cuba. A nice bunch
of songs in different styles and moods, listen ..P.S. I discovered one strange mistake, track #9 is not Agepê as written
on the cd’s cover. It is Martinho da Vila with Claustrofobia.Als het weer omslaat en de herfst zijn onstuimige intrede maakt, neig ik
steeds vaker naar popmuziek. Atmosferische mengeling van stijlen en
stemmingen. Iets tamelijk anders dan wat je hier gewend bent is dit. Op
het prestgieuze Luaka Bop label van David Byrne komt deze bonte ver-
zameling tracks die stammen uit het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Brazilië, de USA
en Cuba. Het gaat van links naar rechts en andersom, luister ..P.S. Ik ontdekte een vreemde fout, track #9 is niet Agepê zoals de
cd omslag vermeldt. Het is Martinho da Vila met Claustrofobia.tracks ;
01 – A.R. Kane – A love from outer space
02 – Jorge Ben – Ponte de lança africano (umbabarauma)
03 – David Byrne – Dirty old town
04 – Tom Zé – Augusta, Angélica e consolação
05 – Conjunto Rumbavana – No me llores
06 – Luiz Conzaga – O fole roncou
07 – Silvio Rodriguez – Nuestro tema
08 – Jack Dangers – Ava
09 – Martinho da Vila – Claustrofobia
10 – A.R. Kane – Miles apart
11 – Caetano Veloso – Um canto de afoxé para o bloco do ilê
12 – Trio Nordestino – Rejeição
13 – Celeste Mendoza – Mi rumba echando candela
14 – David Byrne – Make believe mambo (club mix)Posted by Moosat 12:45 PMCategories
- Monday September 9, 2019
Samba is nog altijd een van de meest fascinerende muzieksoorten
naar mijn mening. Vanmorgen werd ik wakker in de wetenschap
dat ik iets van Martinho da Vila moest posten, weet niet waar het
vandaan kwam maar nog voor de koffie had ik zijn platen uit de kast
getrokken. Martinho was van het begin af een van mijn favorieten.
Deze plaat is uit 1973, een jaar waarin veel moois gebeurde op mu-
zikaal gebied, ook Martinho da Vila was op zijn best in die tijd. Deze
elpee is op vandaag blijven wachten en bevat enkele van zijn pareltjes.
Luister naar nummers als ‘Não chora meu amor’, ‘Tudo, menos amor’
en ‘Pelo telefone’, samba snoepjes van de bovenste plank ..One of the most fascinating kinds of music to my opinion is still samba.
This morning I woke up knowing I was going to post some of the work
of Martinho da Vila. No idea where it came from but already before my
first coffee I had pulled his records from the shelf. Martinho has been
one of my favourites from the very beginning. This album is from 1973,
a year in which so many great records were made. Also Martinho da Vila
was at his best in those days. This elpee has been waiting to get posted
today and contains some of his finest songs. Listen to numbers like ‘Não
chora meu amor’, ‘Tudo, menos amor’ and ‘Pelo telefone’, samba
pearls from the top shelf as we say in the Netherlands ..Samba dos Bons from 1974
Nem Todo Crioulo é Doido from 1968
Rosa do Povo from 1976
Canta Canta, Minha Gente from 1974
Nova História da MPB from 1978
Meu Laiáraiá from 1970
Maravilha de Cenario from 1975
Batuque na Cozinha from 1972
Martinho da Vila from 1969
Discogs Discography
Instagramtracks ;
01 – Tributo a Monsueto,
—–Casa um da vila
—–Larga meu pé
—–Eu quero essa mulher
—–Mora na filosofia
—–A fonte secou
—–Lamento da lavadeira
02 – A hora e a vez do samba
03 – Não chora meu amor
04 – Antonio, joão e pedro
05 – Tudo, menos amor
06 – Requenguela
07 – Pelo telefone
08 – O caveira
09 – Beto navalha
10 – A feira
11 – Som africano
12 – Fim do reinadoPosted by Moosat 8:50 AM - Wednesday September 4, 2019
Discogs discography
All Music Biographytracks ;
01 – Zelão
02 – Pernas
03 – Fôlha de papel
04 – Bichos da noite
05 – Jôgo de dados
06 – Perseguição/Sertão vai mirar mar
07 – Êsse mundo é meu
08 – Conversação de pazPosted by Moosat 9:30 AMCategories
- Friday August 23, 2019
Os Cinco Crioulos from 1969
Samba no Duro, vol.2 from 1968
Elton Medeiros from 1973
Velhos Sambistas
All Music Biographytracks ;
01 – O mundo encantado de monteiro lobato
02 – Fica doido varrido
03 – O seu oscar
04 – Brigaram pra valer
05 – Vou partir
06 – Vai dizer a ela
07 – Pelo telefone
08 – Chica da silva
09 – Eu nasci no morro
10 – Aurora de paz
11 – Barba de môlho
12 – Defensor do sambaPosted by Moosat 9:55 AM - Monday August 12, 2019
Ik zat al in de Braziliaanse sferen de laatste tijd en toen was
de Zomergast van de VPRO gisteren de in Brazilië verblijvende
journalist Nina Jurna. Ze liet ons wat interessante dingen zien.
Als afsluiter de film ‘Central do Brasil’, heerlijk. Vanmorgen
weer in de platenkast stuitte ik op deze prachtplaat die ik 12,5
jaar geleden van blogvriend Zecalouro kreeg tijdens m’n bezoek
aan hem in Rio. Ik denk daar nog vaak aan terug. João Roberto
Kelly en Luiz Reis hadden deze relaxte samba sessie reeds in 1963.
Vier handen op de piano zoals je zelden hoort ..I already found myself in Brazillian atmospheres lately and yester-
day we were treated by a popular Dutch tv progam, an interview
with the Dutch journalist Nina Jurna who lives in Brazil. She showed
us some very interesting things and closed the evening with the movie
‘Central do Brasil’, what a delight. This morning I went straight to the
Brazillian section on the record shelf and stumbled upon this album.
Our blogfriend Zecalouro gave it to me as a present when I visited
him in Rio 12,5 years ago. I think back to that day with pleasure.
João Roberto Kelly and Luiz Reis had this mellow samba session
way back in 1963. Four hands on the piano like you seldom hear ..Bossa Nova Gosto de Lornix 2012
Tribute to Loronix & Zeca Louro 2011
Alberto Mota e Seu Conjunto from 1961
A Música de Donga from 1974
Thelma, the Haunting New Voice from Brasil from 1967
Thelma from 1965
Samba é Aracy de Almeida from 1966
Donga e os Primitivos from 1972
Carlos Lyra, Bossa Nova from 1959
Ed Lincoln, Seu Piano e Seu Orgão Espetacular from 1963
Thelma Soares canta Nelson Cavaquinho from 1965
Escrete do Samba, vol.2 from 1976
Bossa Nova, Sua Historia, Sua Gente from 1975tracks ;
01 – Cara de pau
02 – Faço um lê-lelê, Gamação
03 – Samba de balanço, Pirata da calçada
04 – Leilão, Brotinho bossa nova
05 – Lá vou eu
06 – Samba de teleco-teco, Desfolhando a margarida
07 – Só vou de balanço
08 – Boato, Lamento bibop
09 – Ciùminho
10 – Sua bôca é um perigo, Samba do trouxa
11 – Palhaçada
12 – CanequinhoPosted by Moosat 10:48 AMCategories
Sonia Santos – Self Titled
Som Livre 1975