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Categorie archives: Parranda
- Friday September 12, 2014
If I try to find this in the Rough Guide on latin and such,
there’s not any information. ‘Parranda’ music from Colombia
seems absent in the guide. They speak of parranda from
Venezuela and other countries but no Colombia. Bovea
and his Vallenatos are well known for their acoustic
interpretations of cumbias, merengues, paseos and
parranda. This lp from 1973 on ‘Discomoda’ gives
us some fine examples of their work. Guillermo
Buitrago, Hermanos Bedoya and Gildardo
Montoya, all soon to come..tracks;
1 La media luna
2 La desobediente
3 Tu no vales nada
4 Mi pollito colorao
5 La hamaca grande
6 Consuelito
7 La basurita
8 Mi amor de claudia
9 El pajarito de mi novia
10 La muerte de abel antonio
11 Nely
12 Mi ligia amadaPosted by Moosat 8:02 AMCategories
- Friday August 15, 2014
It is a little confusing; Buitraguito sounds as ‘small Buitrago’.
In this case we are speaking of two musicians, the career of
Buitraguito started when Buitrago died. Guillermo Buitrago
of who we had his most famous work here,
already died age 29. He managed to win the hearts of all
Colombians however and hits like ‘Compae Heliodoro’ and ‘Ron
de Vinola’ were originated by him. Buitrago’s ‘Diciembre y Año
Nuevo’ was an album everybody played at the end of the year
and is considered typical new years music. Now Buitraguito
is a man who’s real name is Julio César SanJuán, and because
he was working in the same type of music and had a somehow
similar voice as the old master, he was asked to perform with
Los 50 de Joselito. Buitraguito, who had just left the Vallenato
group of Bovea, made a great impression and they started calling
him ‘Buitraguito’. Warner Bros. wanted to record an album with
all the old Buitrago songs with him but that never happened.
Copying an other’s family name and his music too was subject
of discussions, it was too much and finally he dumped the name.
One way or the other, what we have for you today is an album of
Pedro Quinto on which Buitraguito is the singer. His voice does
sound a lot like the old Buitrago’s and I am thrilled by it..
Musica Parrandera of the highest quality to my opinion.tracks;
1 El brujo ( Julio SanJuán )
2 Que tienen las mujeres ( Fontanilla y González )
3 Mis tristezas ( Efraín González )
4 Maria morales ( Julio SanJuán )
5 Potrerillo ( Julio Bovea )
6 Lamento provinciano ( Julio SanJuán )
7 Rosa perfumada ( Julio SanJuán )
8 Carmen miryam ( Julio SanJuán )
9 Oyeme rosita ( Gustavo Rada )
10 Caballito melao ( José Barros )
11 Malibu ( Gustavo Rada )
12 Bonita luna ( Efraín González )Posted by Moosat 10:06 AMCategories
- Sunday March 9, 2014
My first encounter with Colombian parrandera music was through
Guillermo Buitrago. ( of whom soon more to follow ) After that I went
out searching for more in that style. The artist I want to introduce to
you today is one from the same school. José A. Bedoya was born
in Frontino Antioquia, biography in Spanish
Parranda music is accoustic but it really rocks,
listen to it yourself..
The sleeve says “forbidden on radio”, what would that mean ?tracks;
1 El timbre
2 Que te estas comiendo
3 La araña peligrosa
4 El estafador
5 Toque las maracas
6 El valero
7 El ladron
8 El comerciante
9 El acomedido
10 Que bizcochito
11 El pajarito
12 El gallo de helenaPosted by Moosat 3:15 PMCategories
- Saturday December 12, 2009
Today we’ve got another Flor Morales Ramos, Ramito in short.
Backsleeve notes claim that his most famous tracks appear on
ALP 1237. I wanted to link you to it but the page that hosts it
is only for invited visitors, listenwithmyears.blogspot.com.
I know at least one happy visitor with this LP, it’s for you Joe.tracks;
1 Parranda Borinqueña
2 Adios y dame un beso
3 Buena en cantidad
4 Plegaria a la madre
5 Candela
6 Sin razon
7 La tierra mia
8 No eres guapo na’
9 Poema de amor
10 Por la que se fue
11 Cualquiera de pena llora
12 El guapo JalaoPosted by Moosat 11:54 AMCategories
- Monday May 4, 2009
Part from some tracks on compilations, I do not use to post any
material from CD. This one by Guillermo Buitrago is an absolute
exeption. If I would not use it, it was impossible to post any
Buitrago. His LP’s, as far as they exist at all, are not to find.
I repost this album for several reasons. It contains songs for
december and new year, well our new year at the Global Groove
starts tomorrow. Part from that, this music is so delightful, I
truely don’t understand it didn’t get any response. I am crazy
about these songs. When I discovered this compilation, I wept
tears of happiness. Maybe it’s just me being foolish, but give
this one another chance and I’m sure you will not regret.tracks;
1 La vispera de año novo
2 Ron de Vinola
3 Dame tu mujer José
4 Grito vagabundo
5 El huerfanito
6 Compae Heliodoro
7 El amor de Claudia
8 La carta
9 La araña picua
10 La piña madura
11 La hija de mi comadre
12 Que criterio
13 Las mujeres no me quieren
14 Cienaguera
15 El testamento
16 El brujo de ArjonaPosted by Moosat 10:35 PMCategories
- Tuesday May 6, 2008
Here we have a fine treat by Guillermo Buitrago from Colombia.
Buitrago lived from 1920 till 1949, this stuff comes from the vaults
of Discos Fuentes.
Very hard to find material by the King of Musica
Parrandera, very nice.Posted by Moosat 10:46 PM
Discomoda 1973