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Categorie archives: Nigeria
- Saturday November 13, 2021
Good morning, “What Chief I.I. Ayeni is trying to do is take
that basic African thing, twist it, refine it and change it into
something new. A traditional musician from Ora in Bendel
State, he composes and arranges all the material for his
albums. Whilst Chief Ayeni may feel his music is changing
only ‘step by step, bit by bit’ the contrast between his 1st
two albums is remarkable. The first traditional sound
musician in Afenmai in Bendel State. This new one
‘Ebako Alie’ is something else again, harder, hotter,
funkier, altogether more aggressive and very
personal blend of many West African styles,
with an added nod in the direction
of Africanism. ” (liner notes)We are very lucky to have this rare Etsakor highlife album.
First, it is super rare and hard to find, Discogs doesn’t know
it as far as I could find. Second, yesterday I was on Utrecht’s
Mega Record and CD fair. For the first time after two years of
canceled fairs we were finally allowed to dig some crates again.
It was build up day for the traders and today the whole thing
is canceled due to Covid numbers again. A very sad day for all
traders and visitors. Everything ready to go and then a no go.
It feels unfair that I came home with a bag full of records,
one way or the other, let us listen with extra pleasure ..We hebben enorm veel mazzel dat we deze zeldzame Etsakor highlife
plaat vandaag hebben. Ten 1e, hij is echt heel zeldzaam en zelfs
Discogs kent hem niet. 2e ding is, gisteren was ik op de opbouwdag
van de Platen en cd beurs in Utrecht. Voor het eerst in twee jaar
mochten we weer eens lekker ‘crate diggen’. ‘s Avonds nog besloot
de organisatie de beurs alsnog af te blazen wegens de hoog oplopende
Covid cijfers. Een heel trieste dag voor alle platendealers en bezoekers.
Alles klaar om te gaan en dan alsnog gecanceled. Het voelt oneerlijk
dat ik met een tas vol platen thuis kwam, maar ja, hoe dan ook,
laten we maar met extra veel plezier luisteren dan ..Ohua-Nugbese 1981
01 – Imi eken reuvba emi
—- Ikeke bogbi ‘keke evie
02 – Alake lovbi ozalla/Ebako aliePosted by Moosat 9:11 AMCategories
- Tuesday November 2, 2021Posted by Moosat 7:47 AM
- Monday November 1, 2021
Good morning, this week we’ll treat you with some dusty old
records. Let’s start with this obscure funky Edo highlife album.
Akaba-Man and the Nigie Rockets are the ones to set the ball
rolling. According to the back sleeve it contains only two tracks,
‘Akaba-80 part 1′ and Akaba-80 part 2’, in fact part 1 already
has two separate songs and part 2 as well. Being some 40 years
of age the album sounds quite dusty indeed and at the end of
side one the needle keeps hanging in a certain groove. ( I don’t
know how you say this) One way or the other, quite enjoyable
record from Edo Nigeria’s early eighties ..Goeie morgen, deze week gaan we eens een stel oude stoffige
platen uit de kast halen. Laten we beginnen met deze obscure
funky Edo highlife plaat. Akaba-Man and the Nigie Rockets
mogen het spits afbijten. Volgens de achterkant van de elpee
betaat hij uit twee nummers, ‘Akaba-80 part 1′ en Akaba-80
part 2’, maar feitelijk bestaan beide kanten uit twee nummers.
De plaat is zo’n 40 jaar oud en klinkt dan ook tamelijk stoffig en
aan het eind van kant 1 blijft ie ook nog even hangen. Hoe dan
ook, behoorlijk vermakelijk werk uit Nigeria’s vroege 80’s ..01 – Akaba-80 part 1, a
02 – Akaba-80 part 1, b
03 – Akaba-80 part 2, a
04 – Akaba-80 part 2, bPosted by Moosat 9:07 AMCategories
- Saturday October 30, 2021
Today it is Saturday October 30, the last weekend in this month
we always change from summer- to wintertime. At 2.00 o clock
at night between Saturday and Sunday the clock turns back one
hour. For five months we remain in wintertime which is the real
time. An hour less light at night, but an hour earlier light in the
morning. For years now people discuss if we should get rid of it.
I’d say, keep it, the extra hour of light in the evenings during
summertime is very welcome. .. and now we wait for
Saturday March 26, 2022 ..What have we got cooking this Saturday? I.K. Dairo is back at
the GG with this album from 1983. On the front sleeve we see
him with his squeezebox. I’m always waiting for him to appear
playing it, unfortunately it rarely happens. Once again a record
on which we don’t hear it. Nevertheless, the juju is very
adorable. I think we can never have too
much of I.K. Dairo’s music ..Vandaag is het zaterdag 30 oktober, in het laatste weekend van
deze maand veranderen we altijd van zomer- naar wintertijd. Om
2.00 uur ‘s nachts van zaterdag op zondag wordt de klok één uur
terug gezet. Voor vijf maanden verblijven we in wintertijd, wat
de echte tijd is. Een uurtje minder licht ‘s avonds, maar een uurtje
vroeger licht ‘s morgens. Al jaren wordt er gediscussieerd of we er
niet ‘ns vanaf moeten. Ik zeg houden zo, dat extra uur licht tijdens
de zomermaanden is zeer welkom… en nu maar weer wachten
op zaterdag 26 maart, 2022 ..Wat hebben we voor je vandaag? I.K. Dairo is hier terug met
deze plaat uit 1983. Op de voorkant zien we hem met zijn accordeon.
Ik wacht altijd op het moment dat we hem erop horen spelen. Helaas
gebeurt dat hoogst zelden. Ook op deze elpee horen we hem er niet
mee. Hoe dan ook, de juju is zoals altijd weer heerlijk. Ik denk
dat we nooit teveel van I.K. Dairo’s muziek kunnen hebben ..isele To Isele 1978
Late papa Obafemi Awolowo 1987
In the 60’s vol. 1 1980
Ayinla Omowura Remembered 1980
Ashiko Music vol. 1 1971
Ashiko Music vol. 2 1972
The Green Eagles of Nigeria 1976
Yoruba Solidarity 1989
Everybody Prefers Dairo Star 1976
I.K. Dairo M.B.E. 1968
Ooni Of Ife 1984
Original Dairo Hits 1986
Unity in Nigeria 197801 – Obiripo
—- Mose orimolade
—- Joseph babalola
—- Ositelu
—- Gbogbo egbe aladura
—- Ipile ti jesu fi lele
02 – Ojumomi loni
—- Se rere ko mi
—- Ire ni mo nwa
—- Oba olasore
—- Iya o yemiPosted by Moosat 7:25 AM - Friday October 29, 2021
Life at oldage is quite enjoyable.
His numerous fans call him gentleman. But his name is
Mike Ejeagha. He is a folklore musician known for his
story telling prowess, using music. Infact, it is a slang
among the Igbos to say Akuko n’egwu Mike Ejeagha
to a story teller. His musical career started 56 years
ago as he watched two guitar players around his
compound at the coal camp Enugu in addition to
paying attention to anything musical.
As he learnt the guitar,
he was also playing read moreMike Ejeagha, Nigerian story teller, made a big pile of records.
Until now we had some from the eighties, but today we go back
as far as 1975. he had his first successes in the sixties, hopefully
we’ll find those some fine day. Gentleman Mike Ejeagha was the
mentor of Celestine Ukwu, wonderful Igbo Highlife ..Jaa’m Mma Na Ndu 1983
Ugo Mma 1982
Akuku Negwu vol. 3 1985
Onye Mkpesa 1987
Akuku N’egwu Original vol. 2 1984
Akuku N’egwu Original vol/ 1 1983
Celestine Ukwu posts01 – Onye ndidi n’eli azu ukpo-o
02 – Suzzana merringue
03 – Ikpechakwa-a kam-kpe-e
04 – Welu nwayo sobe ihe uwa-a
05 – Agbata obi onye bu nwanne ya
06 – Nwa bu onyinye chukwuPosted by Moosat 7:52 AMCategories
- Monday October 25, 2021
When most people think about the music of Nigeria, the first thing that
comes to mind is probably afrobeat, the darkly funky African jazz stew
popularized by bandleader Fela Kuti, himself a Yoruba from the southwestern
region of the country. Or perhaps they might mention other Yoruba musicians
such as King Sunny Ade and Ebenezer Obey, the twin pillars of the southwestern
juju style. Maybe their thoughts would glide more towards the eastern extreme
of the country, where Igbo highlife stars such as Stephen Osita Osadebe, read more ..01 – Emamie agbo
02 – Osigwe maha
03 – Conscience (udu)
04 – Oyoyo raggae (sweet banana)Posted by Moosat 7:18 AMCategories
- Friday October 15, 2021
Sir Shina Peters earned four Nigerian Music Awards
through this 1989 album, ‘Ace’. Artist of the year,
song of the year, album of the year. He called his
modern juju style Afro-Juju” , a cross over between
Afro-Beat, Fuji and Juju. We had several albums with
him, with his friend Segun Adewale and the two
of them, both from the school of Prince Adekunle ..Sir Shine Peters won vier Nigerian Music Awards met
dit album uit 1989, genaamd ‘Ace’. Artiest van het jaar,
song van het jaar, album van het jaar. Hij noemde zijn
moderne juju stijl ‘Afro-Juju’, een mengeling van Afro-
Beat, Fuji en Juju. We hadden al enkele albums met
hem, met zijn vriend Segun Adewale en de twee samen,
beide leerlingen uit de school van Prince Adekunle ..Ko Temi Fun Mi 1984
Shinamania 199001 – Afro-juju
—- Je kajo
—- Ije shina
—- Meju kure
—- Oyin momo
—- Omoge to rewa
02 – Omo enta lo sora
—- Jesu gbadura mi
—- Atoto arere
—- Irawo lagba (ace)
—- Adebisi odutayo
—- Afro-juju lo gbodePosted by Moosat 8:32 AMCategories
- Monday September 27, 2021
Today we find the fourth album with Igbo highlife artist
Captain Muddy Ibe and his Nkwa Brothers. This one is
from 1984. He made some 60 records so there is still a
pile of records to find and discover. For now let’s listen
to ‘Ndi Ntise’ and share it with our friends ..Dit is de vierde plaat met Igbo highlife artiest Captain
muddy Ibe and his Nkwa Brothers die we hebben op de
GG. Hij maakte zo’n 60 albums dus er is nog een dtapel
te vinden en ontdekken. Laten we tot die tijd alvast luisteren
naar ‘Ndi Ntise’ en hem delen met onze vrienden ..African and Black History
DiscogsAnyi Ma Ndi Bu Ndi 1981
Muddy Ibe and his Nkwa Brothers System ’83 1983
Ndi Kwena Ekwena 198601 – Wealth not by force
02 – Ndi ntise
03 – Omelum me dikePosted by Moosat 8:21 AMCategories
- Friday September 24, 2021
We know Sunny Adé’s Master Guitarist series with the Green
Spot Band. This is Sunny Adé with his African Beats, also with
the Master Guitarist vol. 2. from 1975. I am not sure which series
was first. If you know, please share your knowledge with us.
for now, let’s just listen ..We zagen reeds de Master Guitarist serie met de Green Spot
Band. Deze is met his African Beats en ook the Master Guitarist
vol. 2 uit 1975. Ik weet niet welke serie eerder was, weet jij het ?
Laat het ons dan ook weten s.v.p. Voor nu
gewoon lekker luisteren ..Wikipedia English
Wikipedia Nederlands
Entrepeneurs bioPrivate Line 1978
Ajoo 1983
Ariya Special 1982
The Mater Guitarist vol. 6
Syncro Chapter 1 1977
Mo Dupe 1985
Bobby 1983
Explosion 1984
Togetherness (Ka Jo Se) 1984
Sunny Special 1974
the Original Syncro System Movement 1974
Aura 1984
Ori Mi Ja Fun Mi 1980
the Master Guitarist vol. 2
the Master Guitarist vol. 1
The Message 1981
the Master Guitarist vol. 4
Nigeria’s juju-Highlife at its Best 1973
In London 1977
Synchro Series 1983
Festac ’77 1977
Jealousy 1987
My Dear 1986
Late General Ramat Murtala Mohammed 1976
Iyinle Odu 1982
Vol. 7
Sweet Banana 1986
the Royal Sound 1979
Check ‘E’ 1981
Synhro System 1983
the Golden Mercury of Africa 1979
Juju Music 1982
Juju Music of the 80’s 198101 – Moti mo
—- Apala syncro
—- Ota nlulu ibaje
—- Mawobe
—- Bomode bamawi
—- Eti won aya
02 – Kileni ase
—-Mori sisi meji
—- Iduro soro
—- Bi oba fe sebi ranti
—- Kowo-kowo
—- Didun londunPosted by Moosat 8:05 AMCategories
- Thursday September 23, 2021
When I was making yesterday’s post I wanted to place a
link to Fela Kuti’s album ‘Black president’ of which I am
very sure it was posted way back in the beginning of the
Global Groove. Another record that has vanished in the
time I was still using Blogger. One way or the other, I am
no lover of Afrobeat, this album however is more or less
the only one that made it for me. It was one of the first
African records that reached me early eighties. Fela’s
way of playing the saxophone, the easy groove, the
hypnotic way it is built, I am no Fela fan, but
to me one of his best works ..Toen ik gisteren een link wilde plaatsen naar Fela Kuti’s
‘Black President’ ontdekte ik tot m’n verbazing dat hij niet
meer aanwezig was. Alweer een album dat is verdwenen
in de tijd dat we Blogger nog gebruikten. Hoe dan ook, de
Afrobeat sound heeft me nooit heel erg aangesproken.
mij allemaal veel te funky, deze plaat van Fela daarentegen
was één van de eerste Afrikaanse elpees die me bereikte
in de vroege jaren tachtig en zo’n beetje de enige in het
genre die het voor me doet. Fela’s manier van saxofoon
spelen, de mellow groove, de bijna hypnotische opbouw,
ik ben geen kenner, maar voor mij is dit z’n beste ..Wikipedia, English
Wikipedia, Nederlands
Discogs01 – Sorrow tears and blood
02 – Colonial mentality
03 – I.T.T. (International thief thief)Posted by Moosat 7:31 AM
Iruobe Records 1985