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Categorie archives: Mali

  • Sunday June 2, 2019

    Het heeft gewoon zo moeten zijn denk ik, Gerrit van Lola Radio
    bracht ons laatst twee prachtige platen van Fanta Damba, dank
    daarvoor Gerrit. Hij sprak daarbij ook over Fanta Sacko, laat ik nou
    net vorige week die elpee van haar hebben gevonden. Het betreft
    een uitgave van het ‘Ministere de l’Information, Mali Music’ op het
    Bärenreiter label. Het album schept enige verwarring vanwege het
    feit dat er 8 nummers op staan en volgens hoes en label 10. De tijden
    zoals die vermeld worden kloppen ook geen van allen. Aangezien ik
    ook geen woord Malinees versta ben ik er maar van uit gegaan dat
    de langste twee nummers samenvoegingen zijn van twee titels.
    Als iemand het mysterie kan oplossen, heel graag ..

    I guess it was just meant to be. Shortly, Gerrit of Lola Radio Blog,
    brought us two great recordings by Fanta Damba, thanks for those
    Gerrit. He also spoke about a record by Fanta Sacko. What a coinci-
    dence, I just found that record last week. It concerns a release by
    le ‘Ministere de l’Information, Mali Music’ on the Bärenreiter label.
    The album causes some confusion because it contains 8 tracks while
    label and sleeve speak of 10 songs. The times of the tracks also don’t
    match with those at the backsleeve. Now I don’t understand a word
    of Malinese so I just assume the longest two tracks are mergers of
    two songs. If anyone can solve the mystery, please do ..

    After having some things cleared up in the comment section, I decided to
    make the necessary adjustments to my file. Thank you Issa, Ngoni and Toto
    for waking me up and explaining what must have happened here. I now under-
    stand I have a quite unique misprint of the album. An error was probably-
    made in the production proces and it just so happened I stumbled upon a
    copy which should have been destroyed. It escaped from the factory and
    ended up in my collection many years later. Thanks to Issa I was now able
    to correct the titles. Everybody, ATTENTION; download it again with the
    proper titles. Enjoy the sometimes longer versions and the one, previous
    unreleased, track ( Mamadou Ndiaye ) The sound is perfect, listen
    once more and realise, this is a unique mistake. ;-)
    For those who didn’t follow earlier, the correct and final copy of this
    album has ten instead of eight songs, in a different order and of other
    length. Another difference is track four which does not appear on the
    other record. (the final cut)This album does not have ‘Tubaka’, ‘Jeliké jan’
    and ‘Maliens be di yala’, which the final cut does have.
    Enjoy listening everybody ..


    tracks ;

    01 – Banankoro
    02 – Jimbe wata dabola
    03 – Tita
    04 – Mamadou ndiaye
    05 – Tara
    06 – Ni ko ni kidassa
    07 – Kankan jarabi
    08 – Kita jeli


    Posted by Moos
    at 3:04 PM
  • Sunday August 12, 2018


    In het verleden zagen we reeds enkele van deze tracks. Helaas en
    om een reden die ik niet wens te vermelden moest ik sommige van
    de platen waar ze op voor kwamen verwijderen van de Global Groove.
    Vandaag zijn ze terug in een nieuwe setting, een Mali compilatie. Ik ga
    ervan uit dat ze op deze manier niemand kwaad doen. We zien het wel.
    Hoe dan ook, de muziek is te goed om te moeten missen, luister zelf..

    Some of the tracks we have here today have been here on earlier
    occasions. For some mysterious reason they were removed from
    the blog at a certain time. Now they are here in a different way
    and I think nobody will complain, let’s see. This is volume two in the
    Best of the West series. One way or the other, the music is too
    good to be missed, listen and make up your own mind..

    tracks ;

    01 – Super Biton – So karafe
    02 – National Badema – Nakanle
    03 – Rail Band – Gansan na Rail Band ( Salif Keïta )
    04 – Les Ambassadeurs Internationaux – Marfa
    05 – Na Hawa Doumbia – Ma i ni wula
    06 – Rail Band, Mory Kante – Balakononfing
    07 – National Badema, Kasse Mady – Fognana kuma
    08 – Tata ‘Bembo’ Kouyate – Hommage a Baba Cissoko
    09 – Super Biton – Nyeleni


    Posted by Moos
    at 8:15 AM
  • Saturday August 26, 2017


    tracks ;

    01 – Wamba
    02 – Soro
    03 – Souareba
    04 – Sina
    05 – Cono
    06 – Sanni kegniba


    Posted by Moos
    at 10:38 PM
  • Tuesday July 25, 2017


    It is almost nine years ago, time sure flies don’t you think ?
    The GG existed only five months when I posted the Rail Band
    in october 2008. It was an album on Globe Style from 1982 and
    contained two of the songs we also find on today’s record. I think
    this one was used to make the Globe Style album, it had the same
    pictures as well, even when the original volumes one & two were
    released in 1983. Anyway, two of the songs on this one are new
    to us, listen and enjoy, I think they are just awesome..
    P.S. the sound is extremely good,
    part from one tic in track four.

    Zo’n negen jaar is het alweer geleden, de GG bestond net vijf
    maanden toen ik de Rail Band plaatste. Het was een album op
    Globe Style uit 1982. De plaat bevatte twee nummers die ook
    op dit album staan. Ik denk dat deze aan de andere ten oorsprong
    heeft gelegen, ook al kwamen de originele volumes 1 & 2 pas uit in
    1983. er staan tevens de zelfde fotootjes op. In ieder geval vinden
    we vandaag twee nummers die we nog niet hadden, luister zelf,
    ze zijn niet te versmaden naar mijn bescheiden mening..
    P.S. het geluid is buitengewoon goed, los
    van één plek in het vierde nummer.

    tracks ;

    01 – Diabate
    02 – Mali yo
    03 – Bedianamogo
    04 – Gna gna


    Posted by Moos
    at 4:59 PM
  • Saturday February 6, 2016

    Les Ambassadeurs, voorkant

    We hebben tot nu toe reeds zo’n vijf van hum albums gezien.
    Telkens in veranderde samenstelling en uit verschillende
    periodes. Dit exemplaar is uit 1977 en met Salif Keita en
    Ousmane Dia als front zangers. Hij kraakt en knispert wel
    een beetje maar dat mag de beleving er toch niet minder
    op maken. Ik hoop op een mooie dag een betere versie
    te vinden, tot die tijd, geniet van dit Malinese oudje..

    We had some five of their albums so far here at the GG.
    From different periods and in different line-ups. The one
    we have here today is from 1977 and presents Salif Keita
    and Ousmane Dia as lead singers. I must say it does have
    some snap, crackle and pops but that can’t spoil the
    nice atmosphere. I hope to find a better copy some
    day but for now..enjoy this Malinese oldie..

    titels ;

    01 – Yassoumouka
    02 – Fatema
    03 – Super pitie
    04 – Bolola sanou
    05 – Mali denou
    06 – Sabar
    07 – Saranfing


    Posted by Moos
    at 11:27 AM
  • Sunday January 31, 2016

    Oumou Kouyate, voorkant

    Uit Mali hebben we vandaag een schijf van jelimusolu
    zangeres Oumou Kouyate. De eerste op haar naam
    die hier langs komt. Uit welk jaar hij komt heb ik niet
    kunnen vinden, misschien weet een van jullie het. De
    plaat opent met een killer track die me direct over de
    streep trok hem te plaatsen. Luister zelf..

    Another great voice from the jelimusolu from Mali is her’s.
    Oumou kouyate appears here first time with five tracks.
    Lassissi and Sacodis arranged this recording, the year of
    release is not quite clear. The lp opens with a killer track
    which pulled me over the line of posting this album.

    titels ;

    01 – Kala djoula
    02 – Founnou nanan
    03 – Yougou ba
    04 – Oumou nanan
    05 – Ya woni


    Posted by Moos
    at 1:14 PM
  • Saturday November 21, 2015

    Na Hawa Doumbia, front

    Yesterday evening Nahawa Doumbia played in Amsterdam.
    I heard a friend about it and it seems a shame I could
    not make it. Great singer, great voice. Listen..


    1 Sakòrò mery
    2 Demisen kulu
    3 Ma i ni wula
    4 Jigi yiri


    Posted by Moos
    at 9:02 AM
  • Friday April 17, 2015

    Rail Band, front

    How long has it been since I posted music from Mali ?
    Too long I’d say. This is the Rail Band, we had several
    of their records already, use our search-bar to find them.
    This one is from 1976, some very nice tracks of which
    I like number two the best, with Mory Kante and Salif
    Keita both doing their part. Enjoy listening..


    01 – Kankoun
    02 – Tiramakan
    03 – Soyomba
    04 – Soundiata ( nouvelle version )


    Posted by Moos
    at 7:48 AM
  • Wednesday January 28, 2015

    Ali Farka Toure, front

    Ali Farka Toure

    When beginning this blog, the most important mission
    was digitising lp’s to make Mp3’s of them. Using cd’s
    was no option. Slowly however some cd’s are also
    becoming scarse and out of print. This one by Ali
    Farka Toure from 1988 is not as available as it
    used to be. Being short in time today I made
    this choice of post. Lp’s remain our main
    source but an exception is made.
    Hope you like this one, enjoy..


    01 – Timbarma
    02 – Singya
    03 – Nawiye
    04 – Bakoytereye
    05 – Tchigi fo
    06 – Amandrai
    07 – Kadi kadi
    08 – Yulli
    09 – Bakoye
    10 – Amandrai live


    Posted by Moos
    at 10:12 AM
  • Thursday December 19, 2013

    Super Rail Band, front

    Wow, now I come to realise, it is almost a year and a half
    since I posted us some music from Mali. This one by the
    great Super Rail Band will surely make up for that long
    hiatus. It is a bit worn out and some noise is inevitable.
    ..dusty tracks, still, I really love to listen to it, it has
    great atmosphere, with Mory Kante from 1977.
    Hope you enjoy, get it
    & spread it..


    1 Sinsimba
    2 Balakononifing
    3 Wale numa lombaliya
    4 Tie diu guya


    Posted by Moos
    at 2:49 PM