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Categorie archives: Compas
- Wednesday February 2, 2022
Good morning, I just learned through comment by Jean-Luc that
the drummer of the Original Shleu-Shleu, Smith Jean-Baptiste
has recently released his book ‘My Musical Journey and Les
Shleu-Shleu’ on Amazon. An album that demonstrates his
powerful percussion perfectly is this one from 1974.
Thank you Jean-Luc. Get it and spread it ..goeiemorgen, Ik kreeg zojuist bericht van Jean-Luc dat de drummer
van de Original Shleu-Shleu enkele dagen geleden zijn boek ‘My Musical
Journey and Les Shleu-Shleu’ heeft uitgebracht via Amazon. En album
dat zijn krachtige drumwerk prachtig demonstreert is deze uit 1974.
Dank je Jean-Luc. Slurp binnen, luister en geef weer door ..Wikipedia
Smith Jean-Baptiste, Discogs01 – En filant les aiguilles
02 – Bon gratteur
03 – Danse shleu-shleu
04 – Chante tristesse’ou
05 – Saison fête
06 – Compas S
07 – Reste avec moi
08 – Ti jeune hommePosted by Moosat 9:21 AM - Saturday October 23, 2021
In april, 2019 we already had one of their albums. It gained
not one single reaction. Let’s see if this record which contains
some of their greatest successes does better. The compas from
1982 is quite sweet to my humble opinion. What do yóu think ?In april, 2019 hadden we al eens één van hun albums. Hij kreeg
geen enkele reactie. Laten we eens zien of deze plaat, die enkele
van hun grootste successen bevat, het beter doet. De compas
uit 1982 is vrij lekker naar mijn bescheiden mening, wat vind jij ?Manman Zô 1972
01 – Emotion
02 – Fem’m jalouse
03 – Reconnaissance
04 – Pap’ ciss
05 – Cherche la viePosted by Moosat 6:51 AM - Thursday October 14, 2021
Faux Marmite 1976
01 – Tribulations
02 – Port au prince
03 – Timidité
04 – Haïtiennes
05 – Sixième sens
06 – Imploration
07 – Boules
08 – AcaciaPosted by Moosat 8:27 AM - Monday October 11, 2021
As I was told by Leon somewhere in the past, Les Loups
Noirs were known for being one of the most versatile groups
from the Mini-Jazz era. They were most notable in the variety
of textures they used in their arrangements, often switching
roles between solo and accompaniment among the electric
organ, guitar and saxophone. To this day guitarist/bassist
Laurent Ciceron remains one of the authorities on traditional
styles and continues to develop creative ways to authentically
integrate them with contemporary styles. It should also be noted
that, while it isn’t always reflected in the recordings of this era,
most ensembles were expected to play a variety of styles at
the ‘balls’ (dance parties), an evening was not considered
complete without a few boleros, merengues, son montunos,
R&B, or even a selection of ska or calypso
or two thrown into the mix ..Une Coupe Pour Un Disque 1976
Pingouin, Adieu a New York 1973
a Télé Haïti 1977
Gardner Lalanne a New York avec Les Loups Noirs 1972
à Paris 1976
Gardner lalanne et son Combo, Etoile Moin Brillé01 – Maria
02 – Bapteme rat
03 – Machande cocoye
04 – Theme
05 – Amour musiciens
06 – Reconciliation
07 – Loups noirsPosted by Moosat 8:25 AM - Friday October 8, 2021
Fifth album by Les Frères Déjean, they worked with loads of
musicians from Haïti and found a special place in the hearts
of their listeners. From 1979 on Macaya Records, distributed
by Ibo Records. Listen to Les Frères Déjean ..International 1976
Bouki as Malice 1977
Tuco et les Frères Déjean, Tonton Relax 1981
Tuco et les Frères Déjean, Joui la Vie Ou 198201 – l’Humanité
02 – Conviction
03 – Experience
04 – Naïdée
05 – Yoyo
06 – l’Universbonus tracks:
07 – l’Artibonite
08 – Jam session #2Posted by Moosat 7:03 AM - Sunday September 26, 2021
Nemours Jean Baptiste is considered to be the father of
Haïtian compas. He started out in 1955 based in Port-au-
Prince, Haïti’s capital. We had three albums so far, from
1966, 1973 and 1976. Read more about the man on the
sites linked below. During Nemours Jean Baptiste’s early
career he played with Webert Sicot in Conjunto Inter-
nacional. After the latter had started a new style in
a new group the two quarreled over the originality.
They finally fought out their differences in a soccer
match between their bands. It ended in a 1-1 tie.Nemoursjean-baptiste.com
WikipediaTi Carole 1966
Gaçon Nan Ka 1973
Grand Orchestre de NJB 197601 – Aoua pipip
02 – Dedette & roro
03 – Lait milki
04 – Vive noel
05 – Petite maman
06 – Mini jupe
07 – Airways compas
08 – Faim’ confiance
09 – Amour cha cha cha
10 – Bas gogobonus tracks, 1974,
11 – Ti-ti-ri
12 – Nin frigidaire
13 – Moin pa te la juge
14 – CorruptionPosted by Moosat 7:57 AMCategories
- Saturday September 25, 2021
We have had two albums with drummer Ulrick Tuco Bouzi
and les Frères Déjean. One from 1981 and one from 1982.
In that same year Tuco went on with the Dixie Band. I was
listening to Tuco yesterday and decided to bring another
record with him. This ‘Ti Polis’ is from the next year, 1983.
Powerful compas with this wonderful drummer ..We hadden al eens twee platen met drummer Ulrick Tuco
Bouzi et les Frères Déjean. Eentje uit 1981 en eentje uit 1982.
In dat zelfde jaar begon Tuco met de Dixie Band. Ik luisterde
gisteren naar Tuco en besloot nog eens een album met hem
te posten. Deze ‘Ti Polis’ is uit het volgende jaar, 1983.
Stevige compas met deze geweldige drummer ..Discogs, Dixie Band
Discogs, Tuco BouziTuco et les Frères Déjean, Tonton Relax 1981
Tuco et les Frères Déjean, Joui La Vie Ou 1982
Les Frères Déjean, International 1976
Les Frères Déjean, Bouki ac Malice 1977
Les As de Pétion-Ville, Bagaye la Cho 198201 – Roulé
02 – Chêché konnin
03 – Haïti
04 – Sauve
05 – RaraPosted by Moosat 7:15 AM - Saturday July 17, 2021
Succès des Shleu-Shleu à Paris 1972
6ème Anniversaire 1971
Les Shleu-Shleu
Les Shleu-Shleu 1975
Original Shleu-Shleu 1975
Acé Frapé 1973
Toujours le Même 1974
Grille ta Cigarette 1973
A New York 1973
Cé La Ou Yé 1970
Skah-Shah (l’ex Shleu-Shleu d’Haïti) Guêpe Pangnole 1974
Les Super Shleu 197701 – La vie chanteur
02 – Observe la cadence
03 – Guede zariyin
04 – 40 en haut 40 en bas
05 – Sandy
06 – Ce verité
07 – Ti goutt pas ti gouttPosted by Moosat 9:28 AM - Saturday June 5, 2021
A solid cooperation between Gesner Henry, Coupé Cloué
and Jules Similien, Toto Nécessité. Toto wrote 5 of the
songs, Coupé wrote 1. The album appeared on Cine
Records in 1982. It was made in the easy twoubadou
style like most of their records. I have added the
links to other works that concern the two singers ..Uit 1982 en op Cine Records vinden we vandaag deze
prettige samenwerking tussen Gesner Henry, Coupé Cloué
en Jules Similien, Toto Nésessité. Toto schreef twee van
de 6 nummers, Coupé één. De plaat is in de mellow twou-
badou stijl gemaakt zoals de meeste met deze jongens.
Ik heb links geplaatst naar andere werken met de twee ..Toto Nécessité, Discogs
Coupé Cloué, Discogs
Coupé Cloué, Wiki
Toto Nécessité & Ocelito, Toto Pa Gin Visa, Pa Tuyé Chouchou 1983
Panorama des Cayes rencontre Toto & Rodrigue 1984
Toto et Rodrigue, l’Amitie Pap Trayi 1985
Rodrigue et Toto, Coumbite Créole
Toto Nécessité, Azoumounou 1982
Toto Nécessité, An Ba Besmint 1977
Toto 1980
Combite Créole à New York 1974
Combite Créole
Coupé Cloué, Map Di ! 1975
Coupé Cloué avec l’Orchestre Septentrional 1980
Coupé Cloué, The Preacher 1978
Coupé Cloué, St. Antoine #2 1974
Coupé Cloué, Cribiche 1974
Coupé, Cloué, Gros Bambou 1973
Coupé Cloué, En Dedans 1980
Coupé Cloué, Ti Bom 1978
The World of Coupé Cloué 1979
Trio Select, Plein Calle 197101 – Mitan gato a
02 – Fanm !!!
03 – Ti manman
04 – Toto et Coupé (voye monte)
05 – Betty
06 – Çam fê map paye?Posted by Moosat 8:49 AMCategories
- Wednesday March 24, 2021
Maestro Rodrigue Toussaint and singers Shubert Gehy, Jean-Claude
Dorsainvil & Fritz Coq bring us this 1976 album with their Bossa Combo.
Atmospheric compas, six songs from Haïti’s capital Port au Prince.01 – Faux marmite
02 – Femm’ca
03 – Chance pam
04 – Ramona
05 – La loi de la vie
06 – Metem sou caPosted by Moosat 8:38 AM
En Filant les Aiguilles
SS Records 1974