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Categorie archives: Congo
- Saturday July 13, 2019
During the 1990’s they were playing together on a regular basis.
Not believing the world would be interested in their old music.
But after deciding to make an album in 2001 it turned out the
world loved it and so Bumba Massa, Loko Massengo, Syran
Mbenza, Nyboma Muan’dido and Wuta-Mayi now are
Kékélé. Some old songs, some new, a wonderful
band with a wonderful sound, listen ..Ze speelden tijdens de jaren 90 reeds regelmatig samen maar
waren ervan overtuigd dat de wereld niet meer zat te wachten
op hun oude muziek. Toch werd in 2001 besloten een album te
maken. Wat bleek, de wereld was wild enthousiast dus was Kékélé
een feit en een succes. Met Bumba Massa, Loko Massengo, Syran
Mbenza, Nyboma Muan’dido en Wuta-Mayi. Wat oude songs, wat
nieuwe, een pracht band met een pracht sound, luister ..tracks ;
01 – Delali
02 – Lolita
03 – Issake shango
04 – Affaire mokuwa
05 – Bebe yaourt
06 – Nakobala te
07 – Mandoyi
08 – Lili
09 – Souvenir-ok-jazz
10 – Oyebi bien
11 – SilencePosted by Moosat 7:15 AM - Tuesday July 9, 2019
Jean Félix Pouéla “Dupool” used to be percussionist with
OK Jazz until 1978. He also used to be part of Les Bantous
de la Capitale at some point. It is hard to find useful info on
the subject. Today we find him on this album on Eddy’Son
Consortium Mondial from Paris. No year of release was found.
‘Une Bonne Musique, Un Bon Son, C’est l’Affaire d’Eddy’Son’ ..Jean Félix Pouéla “Dupool” was percussionist bij OK Jazz tot
1978. Hij speelde ook een rol in Les Bantous de la Capitale
op zeker moment. Het is lastig hierover relevante info te
vinden. Vandaag vinden we hem op deze plaat op het label
Eddy’Son Consortium Mondial uit Parijs. Geen jaartal bekend.
‘Une Bonne Musique, Un Bon Son, C’est l’Affaire d’Eddy’Son’ ..tracks ;
01 – Toi pour moi, moi pour toi
02 – Mireille, seul moi qui peut te supporter
03 – Mijo-ley
04 – Soki nzoto ezali
—–Kolongono-sakanaPosted by Moosat 9:01 AMCategories
- Sunday June 30, 2019
Hello groovers, seven days are way too little to give a decent
picture of the history of Congolese music. A group that many
people have asked for over the years is Choc Stars. We had a
couple of their records so far. This is a Zaïrian release I have
found not so long ago. Vocals by Ben Nyamabo, Lassa Carlito,
Debaba, Defao, Djuna Djana, Nyayadio, Zemano Kamza and
Petit Prince. This one is for Harris, Soukousman, Mikaya,
Dennis, Webs, Tim, Glinka, Blaise, Rick and all who love
the works of Choc Stars ..Choc Stars Wikipedia
Discogs Discographytracks ;
01 – Riana
—–Buma elengi
—–Jardin de mon coeur
—–Babengi ngai depasser
02 – Sikondo
—–Mauvais souvenir
Posted by Moosat 8:31 AMCategories
- Saturday June 29, 2019
tracks ;
01 – Orchestre G.O. Malebo – Fiancée laya
02 – Orchestre G.O. Malebo – Nasengi démission
03 – Orchestre TPOK Jazz – Balenge 1
04 – Orchestre TPOK Jazz – Balenge 2
05 – Orchestre Cavacha Missil – Bomoto 1
06 – Orchestre Cavacha Missil – Bomoto 2
07 – Orchestre Zaïko Langa-Langa – Amando 1
08 – Orchestre Zaïko Langa-Langa – Amando 2
09 – Franco & OK jazz – Bolingo ekoma niongo?
10 – Franco & OK Jazz – Mousica tellema
11 – Franco & OK jazz – Rumba de ondo ondo
12 – Franco & OK Jazz – Zozo kobanga te
13 – Les Bantous de la Capitale – Isabelle mvana ya kin
14 – Les Bantous de la Capitale – Macaro
15 – Orchestre Negro Bandombe – Litimba
16 – Orchestre Negro Bandombe – Lisofia nwanabo
17 – Orchestre Lokole – Miss matondo
18 – Orchestre Lokole – Buaka bipalePosted by Moosat 11:30 AMCategories
- Friday June 28, 2019
One of Congo’s greatest vocalists who sang with Orchestre Negro Succes,
Baby National and Bella Bella. Then formed his own band
Lipua Lipua and next Les Kamale. In 1979 went to sing with African All Stars
after Sam Mangwana left. Hits like Doublé Doublé and
Papy Sodolo .. Listen to Nyboma !tracks ;
01 – Mama yo
02 – Madiana
03 – Pepe bougier
04 – Dawardbonus tracks ;
05 – Bella Bella & Deux Frères Soki avec Pépé Kallé et Nyboma – Lipua lipua
06 – l’Orchestre Kamale – Ayindjo
07 – Nyboma – Doublé doublé
08 – Nyboma – Papy Sodolo
09 – Nyboma & Madilu – Voisin
10 – Nyboma & Orchestre Lipua Lipua – MbondoPosted by Moosat 9:28 AMCategories
- Thursday June 27, 2019
Orchestre Somo Somo was founded by Mose Se Sengo
‘Fan Fan’ and Youlou Mabiala, Bichou and Kwamy in 1974.
The group collapsed when Youlou returned to OK Jazz.
Bichou joined Orchestre Vévé and Kwamy went to Tabu
Ley’s Afrisa. There was another line up later in England
in 1984 and this one was put together by Mose Se Sengo
in Paris in 1986. Anyway, with Fan Fan this is the third
entry here at the GG. We had this one from 1985 and
Belle Epoque from 1994. Mose Se Sengo died from a heart
attack in Nairobi, Kenya on may 3rd, 2019, he was a pioneer
in modern Congolese music ..Orchestre Somo Somo werd opgericht door Mose Se Sengo
‘Fan Fan’, Youlou Mabiala, Bichou en Kwamy in 1974. The band
viel uit elkaar toen Youlou terug keerde naar OK Jazz, Bichou
naar Orchestre Vévé ging en Kwamy zich voegde bij Tabu Ley’s
Afrisa. Er was een latere formatie in Engeland in 1984 en de groep
op deze plaat werd gevormd in Parijs in 1986. Hoe dan ook,
met Fan Fan is dit de derde plaat hier op de GG. We had-
den deze uit 1985 en Belle Epoque uit 1994. Mose
Se Sengo overleed vorige maand, 3 mei aan een hart aanval
in Nairobi, Kenya. Hij was een pionier, luister ..Mose Se Sengo, Wikipedia
Orchestre Somo Somo, Discographytracks ;
01 – Kizolele
02 – Kwele
03 – Kilema
04 – PoleniPosted by Moosat 7:43 AM - Wednesday June 26, 2019
Les Bantous de la Capitale is one of the longest-lasting and most influential
groups in the musical history of the Congo (now Democratic Republic of the
Congo). Formed in 1959, the band played a major role in the introduction and
growing popularity of boucher, which vitalized the Cuban-influenced rumba,
and soukous. Initially co-led by saxophonists Dieudonne “Nino” Malapet and
Jean Serge Essous, Les Bantous de la Capitale made their mark with a series
of dance-inspiring singles that are reprised on the three-CD collection
Les Merveilles du Passé. Les Bantous de la Capitale has withstood several
personnel changes. When Essous elected to remain in
Paris after recording with the group, Malapet assumed leadership. Despite
geographical obstacles, Essous has continued to perform with the band.
Although the Congolese government’s issuing of an official cultural policy,
Authenticité ’67, resulted in the loss of several musicians, substitutes
were found and Les Bantous de la Capitale has continued to
tour and record. Singers have included Kosmos Kapitza, Pamelo Mounk’a, and
Tchico Tchicaya. Guitarists have included former Franco & OK Jazz member
Nedule Papa Noel and Samba Mascott. Les Bantous de la Capitale can be
found on solo albums by Mascott, Mounk’a, and Essous. (All Music)Les Bantous de la Capitale, Discogs Discography
tracks ;
01 – Napesa bolingo na nani ?
02 – Olukaki boye
03 – Emilie wa francis
04 – Mbi ke ga
05 – Oguy na fort rousset
06 – Qui siera casarme
07 – Cherie ma banzo
08 – Lokoso ya basi
09 – Laurence yombua
10 – Souna mariaPosted by Moosat 7:57 AMCategories
- Tuesday June 25, 2019
The story of Zaïko Langa-Langa is a long and complex one. They changed
their name, form, strength various times and lots of offspring groups came
from them. I advice you to read Wikipedia on Zaïko Langa-Langa for the whole
story. We had us quite some of their records and of Clan Langa Langa over
the years, take a look below. Maybe I even forgot some. Yesterday’s album
also belongs to the list. The record we have today is from 1987 and rocks
like hell, listen and check their Discogs Discography ..Zaïko Langa-Langa is een band met een complexe historie. Ze begonnen in
1969 en veranderden meerdere malen van naam, bezetting, vorm etc. Het is
raadzaam het hele verhaal eens te lezen op Wikipedia over Zaïko Langa-Langa
als het je interesseert. We hadden hier reeds meerdere van hun platen en
van formaties die uit Zaïko zijn ontsproten. Ik kan er enkele zijn vergeten
maar hieronder vind je een hele lijst. het album van gisteren hoort er ook
bij. ‘Subissez le Consequences’ van vandaag stamt uit 1987 en gaat lekker
los. Luister en check hun Discogs Discografie ..tracks ;
01 – Nibe
02 – Lisumu
03 – Kevalina
04 – Moyen teNkola Mboka vol. 5 from 1987
Kay-Kay from 1982
Teddy Sukami of Zaïko Langa-Langa from 1977
Gitta Prod. Tout-Choc from 1981
Nkola Mboka vol. 1 from 1983
La Zaïkomania from 1989
En Europe from 1984
Zaïko Eyi Nkisi from 1985
Jetez l’Eponge from 1989
Bongama Kamata from 1987
On Gagne le Procès from 1984
Nkola Mboka vol. 1 (different) from 1983
Croi Moi from 1983
the Big of Africa from 19??
Les Grands Succes des Editions Vévé vol. 6 from 1978
Tala Modele Echanger from 1985
l’Afrique Danse 360.121 from 1978
l’Afrique Danse 360.117 from 1978
Cessez le Feu from 19??
Sentiment Bimi from 1988
Songa Fiele from 1990
Nkolo Mboka (different) from 1983Posted by Moosat 10:04 AMCategories
- Monday June 24, 2019
Summer started officially on june 21st. Temperatures are
rising instantly, records are expected to be broken this week.
African music fits in perfect under these conditions so a Congo
theme week seemed a logical thing to do. Congolese music is
most popular here at the Global Groove so let’s go. Today’s
album concerns a group of highly gifted talents of the Clan
Langa-Langa. We find Gina-Wa-Gina, Papa Wemba, Evoloko
Lay-Lay and Mavuela Somo on this hot Congolese entry.
No year of release is known of this French product.
Get it, spread it and enjoy listening ..De zomer is officieel begonnen op de 21ste. De temperaturen
schieten ook direct omhoog, het schijnt zelfs dat komende week
warmte records zullen worden gebroken. Afrikaanse muziek com-
bineert hier goed mee dus een Congo thema week leek me logisch.
Congolese muziek is nog steeds zeer populair hier op de Global
Groove dus let’s go. We openen vandaag met een plaat met de
hoogbegaafden der Clan Langa-Langa. We vinden Gina-Wa-Gina,
Papa Wemba, Evoloko Lay-Lay en Mavuela Somo op deze hot
release waarvan geen jaar van uitgifte bekend is. Down, deel
en luister weer met veel plezier ..tracks ;
01 – Cauchemar
02 – Jeux de kilondin
03 – Point d’interrogation
04 – Mandanda
05 – Melimpa-meliso
06 – IncertitudePosted by Moosat 9:49 AMCategories
- Sunday June 16, 2019
tracks ;
01 – Conjunto Estrellas Panameñas – Clarita
02 – Franklin Boukaka – Bibi
03 – Les Fantaisistes de Carrefour – Ti zoiseau
04 – King de la Rosa, ‘Manos Bionicas’ – El estrujao
05 – Abel Antonio Villa – El pleito
07 – Les Aiglons – Cong la
08 – Super Rail Band – Mali yo
09 – Lord Kitchener – Lenoir’s well
10 – Ray Reyes y Orquesta Refrán – Llevaré candela
11 – Mahmoud Ahmed & Ibex band – Anwedim tekatin
12 – Les Vikings – You made me so very happy
13 – Bozi Boziana & Anti Choc – Kokoti
14 – Ali Chukwuma and his Peacemakers International – Ezi nne nwanyi oma
15 – Luis E. Martinez – No llores mi vidaPosted by Moosat 9:04 AMCategories
Stern’s Music 2003