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Categorie archives: Nigeria
- Thursday July 8, 2021
The records of Sir Waziri Oshomah came in a variation of subtle
name differences. This is the only one I’ve seen in which is spoken
of ‘THE’ Traditional Sound Makers and not ‘HIS’. It is from 1982
and has this nice sleeve with the four boys on the hood of his
Mercedes. At least one of them is taking it very serious.
Enjoy volume 4 on Shanu Olu Records ..De platen van Sir Waziri Oshomah bestaan in een variatie aan
subtiele naam verschillen. Dit is de enige die ik heb gezien op
welke wordt gesproken van ‘THE’ Traditional Sound Makers
en niet ‘HIS’. Hij is uit 1982 en heeft deze fraaie hoes met
de vier jochies op de motorkap van z’n Mercedes. In elk
geval één van hen neemt dit heel serieus. Luister
naar volume 4 op Shanu Olu Records ..01 – Iyere: mecca london
02 – Chief joe omo agba
—- Chief mike odidi
03 – Imirunolu agizoane
04 – Hungry man osamiogbewaPosted by Moosat 7:49 AMCategories
- Monday July 5, 2021
For this once we follow up on a post of HTD. Jillem just
posted ‘Uwa Ekwe Nmeta’ by Imo Brothers International.
It inspired me to do another album with Fiddey Onwuneme
and his group. This is ‘Kwurumenu’ from 1983, also on Afrodisia.
An Owerri highlife band with firm sound such as Oriental and
Continental Brothers for instance. Get it and Spread it ..Voor dit keer volgen we eens een post op HTD. Jillem postte
zojuit ‘Uwa Ekwe Nmeta’ met Imo Brothers International. Het
inspireerde me om ook een van de albums met Fiddey Onwuneme
te posten. Dit is ‘Kwrumenu’ uit 1983 en ook op Afrodisia. Een
Owerri band met net zo’n stevig geluid als bijvoorbeeld de
Oriental en de Continental Brothers. Down, deel en luister ..Discogs
Uwa Ekwe Nmeta 198201 – Chigide special
02 – Kwurumenu karamanu
03 – Echi di imePosted by Moosat 7:35 AMCategories
- Saturday June 26, 2021
Hello folks, how are you today ? Fancy some more
obscurity from Nigeria ? How about this record with
the Young Talents of Etsako, as usual it has a little
crackle and such. Only information the album gives
is their group name and the titles. No idea who the
young talents are. Discogs doesn’t know them and
it seems ungooglable so to speak. If you know more,
please enlighten us. for now, just listen ..Goeiemorgen mensen, wat dachten jullie van deze
rariteit ? Het betreft nog zo’n zeldzame plaat in de
Etsakor sectie. The Young Talents of Etsako heten ze
en zijn online niet te vinden. Discogs heeft nog nooit
van ze gehoord en ook op de plaat zelf staat niets over
wie ze zijn. Slechts de bandnaam en de titels. Als jij iets
weet, vertel het ons dan ook .. voor nu, luisteren maar ..01 – omoaseba
02 – Ranayemere
03 – Oje-je
04 – Obenemoye
05 – Oshokenoya
06 – Oamen-ho-oaPosted by Moosat 7:27 AMCategories
- Friday June 18, 2021
It opens somewhat messy, a few disturbences in its first
grooves. The album continues with some background noise
but has such a relaxed atmosphere, it is still worth at least
a couple of spins. Another rare piece of Etsakor highlife
with Chief I.I. Ayeni and his Group. From 1981 on
Ijebor Trading Stores. Owan music, ..listen ..Ja, de plaat opent best wel wat rommelig, een paar vreemde
geluidjes in de eerste paar groeven. Ook daarne hoor je nog
plenty achtergrond geluid. Hij heeft echter zo’n relaxte
sfeer dat het toch de moeite is er enkele keren naar te
luisteren. Met Chief I.I. Ayeni en zijn groep, uit 1981
en op Ijebor Trading Stores, zeldzame Etsakor
highlife. Owan muziek. Luister zelf ..01 – Ohua-nugbese
—- Joseph Idoda mitoji of aikeke-ozalla-ora
—- Prince A2 emokpaire of ubuneke ivbiaro
—- The aniala of ivbiaro
—- Okhere nugbedekin
02 – Jeremiah
—- Solomon
—- OsiosPosted by Moosat 8:00 AMCategories
- Thursday June 17, 2021
As I promised you yesterday, today we’ve got an album with
Asi Balewa. Another Etsakor Highlife artist and one we didn’t
see before. I can’t tell you anything about him so let’s just
listen. Get it and spread it as usual ..01 – Alhaji abu ali
02 – Late alhaji kashetu usman
03 – Odo bithekhayame ugheoreyePosted by Moosat 6:56 AMCategories
- Wednesday June 16, 2021
From 1977 we find another album with Sir Waziri Oshomah.
When I took the sleeve to photograph it sometning fell
out on the floor. What a surprise, it was the original
invoice from the 1978 purchase. It was once bought
in A.B & Bros. Electronic Store, 34 Polytechnic Road in Auchi.
The cost of an album like this was 6 Naira. Nowadays 1000
Naira is worth € 2,-. Also purchased was 1 Etsakor vol. 2
and 1 Asi Balewa, I’ll post one of his records tomorrow.
Really funny extra with this record. It makes
listening to it even more special ..Uit 1977 komt het album met Sir Waziri Oshomah dat we vandaag
hebben. Toen ik de hoes op z’n kant hield viel er iets uit.
Wat schetste m’n verbazing, het was de originele aankoopnota
uit 1978. De plaat is ooit aangekocht bij A.B. & Bros.
Electronic Store, 34 Polytechnic Road in Auchi voor de
prijs van 6 Naira. Ter vergelijk, vandaag de dag is 1000 Naira
€ 2,-. Ook aangekocht werd 1 Etsakor vol. 2 en 1 Asi Balewa,
morgen zal ik van hem ook een plaat posten. Zeer grappige
extra die het beluisteren van deze elpee nog leuker maakt ..01 – Ikwekiame nezimede emmanuel imhomoh
02 – Osimhe loremekia agbomenire (part II)
03 – Ugheorenimhe
04 – Oghenatseyo tseyo (part II)Posted by Moosat 7:10 AMCategories
- Wednesday June 9, 2021
Ajoo 1983
Ariya Special 1982
The Mater Guitarist vol. 6
Syncro Chapter 1
Mo Dupe 1985
Bobby 1983
Explosion 1984
Togetherness (Ka Jo Se) 1984
Sunny Special 1974
The Original Syncro System Movement
Aura 1984
Ori Mi Ja Fun Mi 1980
The Mater Guitarist vol. 2
The Master Guitarist vol. 1
The Message 1981
The Master Guitarist vol. 4
Juju Highlife at its Best
In London 1977
Syncro Series 1983
Festac ’77 1977
Jealousy 1987
My Dear 1986
Late General Ramat Muhammed 1976
Iyinle Odu 1982
Vol. 7
Sweet Banana
The Royal Sound 1979
Check ‘E’ 1981
Syncro System 1983
The Golden Mercury of Africa 1979
Juju Music 1982
Juju Music of the 80’s 198101 – 365 is my number
02 – Kale sanwa jowuro lo
—- Omo nigeria ti mbe lehin odi
—- Ajo ki dun ki odide ma rewo
—- Ajhaji kolawole olokodanaPosted by Moosat 7:00 AMCategories
- Monday May 31, 2021
Its sleeve has partly dissolved (left edge), the actual vinyl however
is in reasonable condition. Listening to this 1981 slice of
Sir Waziri Oshomah’s highlife is a pleasure.
Get it & spread it ..01 – Ovbini omookeke alhaji inu-umoru
02 – Enakhe prince agunu 2 emokpaire
03 – Okhume ukhaduame
04 – Emoemi alhaji momoh umoruPosted by Moosat 8:15 AMCategories
- Sunday May 30, 2021
We can never hear too much Waziri Oshomah,
the Etsakor Super Star. In other words,
listen to the next in line. Another 10
await to be posted.
Cheers groovers ..Waziri Oshomah article on Superfly
01 – Chief l.o. idonije
—- L.o. idonije buiders (nig) ltd auchi
02 – Late chief benson akhigbe
—- Ukuse osi owanPosted by Moosat 9:04 AMCategories
- Monday May 24, 2021
This record from 1977 opens with a song that has more or less
the same title as yesterday’s opener. “Did you know that ‘Isah
Sule’, popularly and musically known as Sir Waziri Oshomah,
was born on the 12th february, 1948 in Osomegbe, Ekperi,
Auchi, Bendel State. He obtained his primary education at
Osomegbe primary school, after which he attended St. Andrew’s
secondary school, Fugar. He worked in both government and
private sectors before he resigned to form his traditional highlife
band in 1973 and this has given him the opportunity of preaching
to his people through his recordings…” (liner notes)01 – Hon. lawrence idonigie,
managing director l.o. idonigie
builders ltd. auchi
02 – Captain inusah iyamah
—- Iyakpi ibie etsakor
—- Osivue family
03 – Pat. acha oguah
—- Iyioghe agenebodePosted by Moosat 8:04 AMCategories
Sound Makers – Volume 4
Shanu Olu Records 1982