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Categorie archives: Brasil
- Saturday March 2, 2019
tracks ;
01 – Choro chorão
02 – Brasileirinho
03 – Coração trapaceiro
04 – Doce melodia
05 – Amor sem preconceito
06 – Choro do adeus
07 – Títulos de nobreza
08 – O que vier eu traço
09 – Meu sonho
10 – Pedacinho do céu
11 – Tico ico no fubá – dinorah
12 – LamentoPosted by Moosat 6:13 AM - Tuesday February 26, 2019
Zoals beloofd vandaag als afsluiter van de Semana Brasileira nog een plaatje
van João Nogueira. We begonnen met een album van zijn zus Gisa. João maakte
een kleine twintig platen. Dit is de zesde en is genoemd naar de historische Samba
Club in Rio de Janeiro welke helaas niet meer bestaat. Ik heb enkele mooie video’s
gevonden waarop deze te zien is. Prachtige beelden met de grote João Nogueira
waarop ook Gisa te zien is. Kijk vooral verder en laat Youtube je
meenemen naar de mooiste samba’s ..As promised earlier this past week, when posting the first record in our Semana
Brasileira, today we end with an album by João Nogueira. We started with his sister
Gisa. João made some twenty records. This is his sixth and was called after the
famous ‘Clube do Samba’ in Rio de Janeiro which unfortunately doesn’t exist
anymore. I found some nice video’s about it. We see both João and Gisa among
many others. Watch much more as Youtube takes you along the finest samba’s ..tracks ;
01 – Súplica
02 – Arquibundo
03 – Dama da noite
04 – Nicanor belas artes
05 – Canto do trabalhador
06 – Esse meu cantar
07 – Amor de dois anos
08 – Dia de azar
09 – Enganadora
10 – Terno branco
11 – Io io
12 – Samba rubro-negroPosted by Moosat 8:02 AMCategories
- Monday February 25, 2019
Dit is Odete Amaral met een elpee uit 1979. Eerlijk gezegd klinkt
hij zelfs nog wat gedateerder. Kijk zelf maar eens wat je van deze
samba vindt, ik stip één nummer aan omdat die mij zeer aanspreekt.
Track #8, ‘Samba em Ton Jobim’ drijft zachtjes de spot met het nummer
‘Samba de Uma Noto Só’ van Antônio Carlos Jobim. Ze eindigt zeer naar
mijn zin de coupletten met de uitspraak ‘Jobim is niet als dit’ waarna een
prachtig loopje volgt op de violão. Één noot samba, niet voor Odete ..This is Odete Amaral with an album from 1979. It sounds a little older
even to my opinion. Make up your own mind about the samba, I want
to point to one track because it specially appeals to me. Track #8 pokes
a little fun at Antônio Carlos Jobim’s ‘Samba de Uma Nota Só’. She ends
the couplets phrasing ‘Jobim is not like this’ after which a nice typical
samba guitar ‘walk’. One Note Samba, not for Odete Amaral ..tracks ;
01 – Peço silêncio
02 – Triste canção
03 – Porque você mentiu ?
04 – Preciso falar
05 – Fases da vida
06 – Por quanto tempo ainda ?
07 – Balançando, meu bem
08 – Samba em tom jobim
09 – Mal de amor
10 – Deixa passar o meu samba
11 – Quantas vezes
12 – Eu quero serPosted by Moosat 8:59 AMCategories
- Sunday February 24, 2019
tracks ;
01 – Fica mais um pouco amor
02 – Tiro ao alvaro (com Elis Regina)
03 – Bom dia tristeza (com Roberto Ribeiro)
04 – O casamento do moacir (com Talismã e seu Conjunto)
05 – Viaduto sta. efigênia (com Carlinhos Vergueiro)
06 – Aguenta a mão joão (com Djavan)
07 – Acendo o candieiro (com Nosso Samba)
08 – Apaga o fogo mané
09 – Prova de carinho (com Vania Carvalho)
10 – Vila esperança (com MPB 4)
11 – Iracema (com Clara Nunes)
12 – No morro do piolho
13 – Despejo na favela (com Gonzaguinha)
14 – Torresmo a milanesa (com Clementina Jesus e Carlinhos Vergueiro)Posted by Moosat 7:40 AMCategories
- Saturday February 23, 2019
Naast de bekende stijlen als samba, bossa nova en forró zijn er de
iets minder bekende zoals carimbó en choro of chorinho. Ik sla nog
wat stijlen over. Vandaag een cd met een aantal grote namen in de
choro. ‘Choros que Marcaram Época’, choros die een periode mar-
keren zogezegd. Dit is muziek uit de oude doos, meestal instrumen-
taal maar heel fijn luister spul. Je hoort raakvlak met samba maar
ook met jazz en klassieke muziek. Zeer de moeite, luister zelf ..Next to the better known Brazilian styles such as samba, bossa nova
and forró we find lesser known music such as carimbó and choro or
chorinho. I do not mention all types. Today a cd with a number of the
bigger names in choro. ‘Choros que Marcaram Época’, choros which
mark an episode so to speak. This is stuff from our grand parents
time, mostly instrumental but delightful and solid listening material.
It has a touch of samba but also jazz and classical music, listen ..tracks ;
01 – Pedroca – Flamengo
02 – Waldyr Calmon – Urubu malandro
03 – Abel Ferreira – Galo garnizé
04 – Nelson Miranda – Rouxinol
05 – Ademilde Fonseca – Pinicadinho
06 – Radamés Gnattali – Puxa puxa
07 – Guio de Morais – Ameno resedá
08 – Pereira Filho – Da cor do pecado
09 – Waldir Azevedo – Madrigal
10 – Odete Amaral – Murmurando
11 – Guio de Morais – Travesso
12 – Luiz Americano – É do que há
13 – Abel Ferreira – Doce melodia
14 – Pereira Filho – Conversa fiada
15 – Ademilde Fonseca – Pedacinhos do céu
16 – Poly – Apanhei-te cavaquinho
17 – Luiz Americano – Saxofone, por que choras
18 – Pedroca – Meu sonho
19 – Radamés Gnattali – Papo de anjo
20 – Luiz Americano – Sorriso de cristalPosted by Moosat 6:54 AMCategories
- Friday February 22, 2019
tracks ;
01 – Indecisão
02 – Risoleta
03 – Juracy
04 – A mulher do seu oscar
05 – Seu liborio
06 – Agora é cinza
07 – Pisei no despacho
08 – Ai! que saudade da amelia
09 – Falsa baiana
10 – Emília
11 – bebida, mulher orgia
12 – A voz do morroPosted by Moosat 8:18 AMCategories
- Thursday February 21, 2019
Uit het Noord Oosten van Brazilië hebben we deze verzamelaar
met Forró. Een album uit 1976 met verschillende grote namen
uit het circuit. Veel trekzakken, een sound die over het algemeen
vrolijk stemt, humorvolle teksten, kortom, luisteren ..From the North Easten part of Brazil we have this collector of
Forró. An album from 1976 which contains songs by various
great artists from the scene. A lot of squeezeboxes, a sound
that makes us fairly happy, funny lyrics, in short, listen ..Da parte Nordeste de Brasil hoje temos ese álbum de compilação
de forró. O disco tem quatorze músicas de ums dos
melhores artistas. Bastante sanfonas, letras
engraçadas, música feliz, escuta ..tracks ;
01 – Trio Luar de Nordeste – Dentro da latinha
02 – Marinalva – Xirim-xirim
03 – Genival Lacerda – A pisada do côco
04 – Zé Calixto – Negrita catita
05 – Jackson do Pandeiro – Mulher do anibal
06 – Zé Catraca – Mulé encrenqueira
07 – Zé Calixto, canta: Messias Hollanda – Mulher de verdade
08 – Genival Lacerda – Se eu pisar no teu pé, tu não andas
09 – Trio Luar do Nordeste – Nasci para te amar
10 – Zé Calixto – Vem cá benzinho
11 – Marinalva – Paraibinha
12 – Genival Lacerda – O rico e o pobre
13 – Messias Hollanda – primavera do amor
14 – Zé Catraca – O paqueradorPosted by Moosat 8:50 AM - Wednesday February 20, 2019
Ze is de zus van João Nogueira van wie we reeds eerder platen
hadden hier op de Global Groove. Vandaag dus de beurt aan Gisa
Nogueira, zowel hun ouders als broer en zus zaten in de muziek.
Ondanks de kwaliteit van dit album, koos Gisa niet voor een leven
als professioneel zangeres. De elpee zit goed in elkaar en is gemaakt
met enkele van de beste muzikanten. Een samba juweeltje..She is the sister of João Nogueira of who we had a couple of records
here at the Global Groove. Today we give credit to Gisa Nogueira.
Both brother and sister as their parents were musicians. Despite the
quality of this album, Gisa did not choose for a career as professional
singer. The elpee is made with some of the greatest artists in the
field and is a samba jewel. Don’t miss it..Ella é a irmã do João Nogueira de quem também temos uns albums
aqui no Global Groove. Hoje então um elpee de Gisa Nogueira.
Tanto os parentes quanto os filhos são musicos. Apesar da qulidade
dese disco a Gisa não escolhou para uma vida de cantora profissional.
O disco de Gisa tá muito bem feito e esta com ums dos melhores artistas.
Um samba maravilhoso que nãu quer que falta na sua coleção..P.S.
I just discovered that some records we had by João Nogueira have
disappeared from our page. We’ll bring’em again later this week.tracks ;
01 – Verdade aparente
02 – Saldo positivo
03 – Peito magoado
04 – Opção
05 – Coração insensato
06 – Olhando seu retrato
07 – Me ganhou
08 – Incoerência
09 – Mandamento
10 – De novo desamor
11 – Vazio
12 – A janelaPosted by Moosat 9:01 AMCategories
- Monday January 21, 2019
Zij was een van de belangrijkste vertolkers van het werk van
Noel Rosa. Kant twee van dit album bestaat volledig uit songs
van zijn hand. Op kant één vinden we nummers van verschillende
andere artiesten. Haar stem heeft me vanaf de eerste noten die
ik ooit hoorde gefascineerd. Kijk eens wat jij ervan vindt.
Luister naar Aracy de Almeida..She was one of the main interpreters of the works of Noel Rosa.
Side-b of this record gives us only songs by his hand. On side-a
we find songs written by various different artists. From the first
time I heard it, her voice fascinated me. Listen and see if it does
the same to you. This is Aracy de Almeida..tracks ;
01 – Desde ontem
02 – Conselho inútil
03 – A voz do morro
04 – Até o amargo fim
05 – O samba da vida
06 – Saia do caminho
07 – Silêncio de um minuto
08 – meu barracão
09 – A melhor do planeta
10 – Pra que mentir
11 – Último desejo
12 – Não tem traduçãoPosted by Moosat 9:26 AM - Wednesday November 14, 2018
Over the years we have seen quite some sambistas from the
old days. Many great names of dito artists. Here’s a short list
of singers we saw on solo projects or on collector albums.
The singer we want to introduce to you today wasn’t on any of
them so far. Ataulfo Alves is the man. Born on may 2nd, 1909 and
passed away april 20th, 1969, only 59 years old. He wrote many
songs which are still played by samba artists today. if you know
Portuguese, check his Wiki page ..De afgelopen tien jaar hebben er heel wat sambista’s uit verre
vervlogen tijden de revue gepasseerd. Hierna volgt een lijst met
grote namen van dito artiesten die we reeds te gast hadden met
solo projecten of op verzamel albums. De zanger die hier vandaag
wordt voorgesteld is er een die nog niet eerder langs kwam. Ataulfo
Alves is zijn naam. Geboren op 2 mei 1909, overleden op 20 april
1969, slechts 59 jaar oud. Hij schreef vele songs die ook vandaag
de dag nog door samba artiesten worden gespeeld. Als je toevallig
wat portugees vestaat, check zijn Wiki page ..Aniceto do Imperio, Alberto Mota, Zé Keti, Bezerra da Silva, Cartola,
Elza Soares, Donga, Candeia, Roberto Silva, Noël Rosa, Tito Madi,
Ary Cordovil, Djalma Pires, Thelma Soares, Aracy de Almeida,
Batatinha, Nelson Cavaquinho, Osvaldo Nunes, Picolino,
Jorge Costa, Dona Ivone Lara, Carlos Cachaça, Jamelão,
Angela Maria, Billy Blanco, Dóris Monteirotracks ;
01 – Ai! que saudades da amélia
02 – Atire a primeira pedra
03 – Você passa eu acho graça
04 – Saudade do meu barracão
05 – O mais triste dos mortais
06 – Castelo de mangueira
07 – Mulata assanhada
08 – Lagoa serena
09 – Laranja madura
10 – Pai joaquim d’angola
11 – Se a saudade me apertar
12 – Agô – iêPosted by Moosat 9:03 AM
Top Tape 1975